What will happen if Ukraine loses the war?  The prognosis is terrible

This is a decisive moment in the war. The famous Ukrainian counteroffensive in the Avdiivka area of ​​the Donetsk region was stopped. Fierce fighting is still taking place there.

According to observers, the Ukrainian army did not achieve its goals. There is even talk of “operation failure.” The situation around Donetsk is getting worse day by day.

The Ukrainians cannot count on the same amount of support from their allies as they did in the beginning. The US Congress is skeptical about the next aid package (which is being blocked by Republicans). The European Union, in turn, announced assistance, but the euphoria that had prevailed since the beginning of the war faded.

The rest of the article is below the video

Poland targeted by Russian missiles? This is the likely scenario.

If Ukraine actually loses and Russia takes control of the country’s territoryPoland and the Baltic countries will be in a very difficult situation.

A simulation prepared by American analyst George Barros indicates that the Russians will increase combat readiness near the border with NATO. The missile launchers will cover almost the entire country.

The American analyst adds that most of the members of the regular Russian army It will return to its rules.

It is very likely that Russia will create two completely new units that will be ready for a possible battle against NATO. The Institute for the Study of War reports that “the Russians may be preparing for the next, most important war,” but it will take years.

Specialists from ISW point out that the Russian army is “extremely tired” at the moment Taking military action against NATO. However, it will be difficult to stop it later.

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