Ukraine: A Russian soldier surrendered and handed over the tank.  Misha will get 10 thousand.  Dollars and Ukrainian Citizenship

Viktor Androsev, adviser to the head of the Ukrainian Interior Ministry, announced, on Tuesday, that the Russian soldier “Misha” surrendered with the tank. The Russian joined the Ukrainian army because he “sees no point in fighting” and was afraid to return to Russia.

“It’s worse than it was in…”. Another Russian soldier’s conversation was intercepted [NAGRANIE]

“Even in Chechnya, it wasn’t that bad,” a Russian soldier stationed near Mykolaiv in southern Ukraine tells his relatives. intercepted call…

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Read more in the report: war in ukraine

A few days ago Misha called us. We passed the information to Military Intelligence. They appointed a place and came. The drone has verified that he is alone and not an ambush ”- we read in Andrusiwa’s entry.

They will pay him for the tank and give him Ukrainian citizenship

Currently, according to the adviser to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the soldier is in good shape: with a TV, telephone, kitchen and shower. After the end of the war, he will receive a cash payment for the tank – 10,000 PLN. dollars and will be able to apply for Ukrainian citizenship. According to Adrosev, there was only one soldier in the tank, because “the rest escaped”, which is He could not go home because “the commander threatened to shoot him.”.

Hromadske portal reminds that the Ukrainian concern Ukroboronprom has promised $1 Million Cash Prize for Stolen or Stolen Russian Aircraftand half a million – for an effective helicopter.

See also: “The greatest defeat of the Russian army.” German expert on the situation near Kyiv

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