Tommy Wiseau is back from The Room with a new movie.  Big Shark directed by the worst movie in the world.  teaser first.  attached.

The “Worst Movie Ever” director is back with his new work. After the success of The Room, Tommy Wiseau focused more on acting, his greatest achievement being Best Friends with a screenplay by Greg Sestero, the famous Mark of The Room. But Wiseau got bored of just working in front of the camera and decided to shoot his next “big hit”. This time it was the story of a huge man-eating shark.

Tommy Wiseau of The Room has made a new video.  Big Shark in the first trailer

Tommy Wiseau presented his new movie

Big Shark tells the story of three firefighters – Georgie, Patrick and Tim – trying to save New Orleans from a massive shark attack. In the short trailer, we can see clumsily shot scenes of boxing fights, various clips of the city, and most importantly, any three heroes running away from a terrifying monster. Starring Tommy Wiseau, Isaiah Laborde and Mark Valeriano.

Big Shark premieres April 2 with a show at Cinema 21 in Portland, Oregon. The shows will continue until August in various US cities. Unfortunately, at the moment it is not known if the film will also go to Europe and when we can expect the premiere on VOD.

Tommy Wiseau released his new video, Tommy Wiseau from The Room introduced a new video.  Big Shark in the first trailer

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