- April 12 marks the 42nd anniversary of Jerzy Hoffmann's film “Quack.”
- Tomasz Stockinger, who was Annie Demna's partner on the set in 1982, mentioned in an interview that he almost didn't get the role. Daniel Olbryshski was supposed to play Count Czyński
- “Hoffman's wife made it clear to me that someone else would be appointed to replace me,” he admitted.
- The actor also spoke about collaborating with Dymna. “Anya was in another relationship, I was married. But sometimes we would take the opportunity to hug her.”
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The cult hit “Quack” from 1982 was based on the novel by Tadeusz Dołęga-Mostowicz. The story presents the fate of surgeon Professor Rafał Wilczor (played by Jerzy Pincicki). At the time Dolja Mostojević was writing his novel, the story of a man arrested on sorcery charges was resonating throughout the country. In fact, he turns out to be a doctor.
Archival materials
Jerzy Hoffmann's film was a huge success. Today the film is considered one of the most popular film adaptations in Polish cinema.
– said Dr. Magdalena Balaga in an interview with the Wirtualnemedia portal. Interestingly, this scene does not appear in the novel nor in the 1937 film adaptation. “In the film, justice triumphs in a truly stunning ending,” the expert explained.
Stockinger on Demna: There was chemistry between us
-We really liked each other while filming. There was chemistry between us – this is what Thomas Stockinger revealed in an interview with “Show” magazine.
– He recognized the actor who was a partner Anna Demna in the 1982 film adaptation.
an actress In “The Quack” she created an unforgettable role of Marisia, the daughter of Professor Rafael Wilczor. On the occasion of the premiere of the new film, she admitted that she wanted to stream “Quack” all the time. — An adventure like “The Quack” – with this crew and with this film – gives a person the joy of life even in the worst moments. – She said.
Anna Demna as Maria Jolanta Wilczor and Thomas Stockinger as Count Leszek Czyński in the 1982 film “Quack.”
“Quack” without Thomas Stockinger and Anna Demna?
As it turns out, the actress was about to be partnered with someone completely different on the film's set.
Although the director himself had chosen Stockinger from the beginning, his wife allegedly convinced him to choose Piotr Galecki or Daniel Olbryshski. It seemed that everything was decided only by Olbrizhsky's refusal.
– said the actor in an interview.
“These were the most expensive roses in the history of Polish cinema.”
Stockinger also revealed what happened behind the scenes One of the saddest scenes in the film is in which Chinsky carries roses to his lover's grave.
The production sent a taxi from Bielsko to the Warsaw Bazaar on Polna Street, and the bill for the flowers – only foreigners could afford such bouquets in those days – was exorbitant. “Mr. Hoffman knew that the flowers in this scene were more important than the actors. The production went to great lengths to get them into the area, and there were several attempts,” the actor recalls, adding with a laugh: “They were the most expensive roses in the history of Polish cinema.”.
“Amateur social media maven. Pop cultureaholic. Troublemaker. Internet evangelist. Typical bacon ninja. Communicator. Zombie aficionado.”