The Scream (2022) review – intrigue on par with a good movie

Ghostface, known to fans of “Scream”, returns to frighten a new generation of viewers. Despite the death of Wes Craven, it was decided to shoot a continuation of the horror film. What came out of it and whether the new “Scream” still frightened us, you will learn from this review.

“Scream” (2022) – homage to a great artist or a failed reheat cut?

Combi once sang: “Every generation has its own time.” This is a universal truth, even with regard to cinematography. there he is After 11 years it was decided to revitalize Krzyk, Film series by late cult horror film director Wes Craven.

However, you could say that almost every movie thug returns to theaters every now and then to scare a new generation of younger viewers. An example of this is the movie “Halloween Kills” which was released last year. We recently did a Netflix revival of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre series. it’s known A hen that lays golden eggs should not be killedOh no?

However, I had great concerns about the presentation of the new part of the “Scream” series. After the death of Wes Craven, who was after all the previous filmmaker, it would take a real effort to carry the burden of the original film. The people responsible for the final part of the movie didn’t bode well either. become the manager because Matt Bettinelli – Olbin Responsible for such “hits” as “V/H/S” or “devil seed”, a Screenwriter – James Vanderbilt, responsible for “V/H/S” and the continuation of “Independence Day”. On paper, everything looked a little unattractive, resulting in a large flap. Despite these previous mishaps, did the creators of “Krzyk” manage to surprise us somehow?

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Back to Woodsbro

As befits a classic slasher, the plot is as simple as building a bulk. It’s been 25 years since the series of brutal murders that rocked Woodsboro. Sydney Prescott (Nev Campbell) and Jill Weathers (Courtney Cox) leave town, and Dewey (David Arquette) retires to take a breather from what happened to him. But the ghosts of the past will not allow them to lead a peaceful life. Here he is back ghost face!

Previously At the beginning of the movie, he attacks a young teenager who lives alone in the house. Interestingly enough, this scene is a tribute to the first part of The First Scream. At the same time, though, it kind of owes a little to the Slasher genre. why? Well, our heroine picks up a landline phone (the fact that she knows how to deal with it is a miracle), but unaware that she is about to play a dangerous game with a killer.

Cry (2022) - Ghost Face in the Parking Lot

During the discussion, the topic turns to favorite horror movies. Ghostface asks her a question about the cult fantasy series “Cios” (“Scream”??), which the future victim mocks the interviewer and adds that he doesn’t watch anything. She is interested in deeper horror metaphors – ‘something follows’, ‘hereditary’, ‘pappadoca’, and the comic ‘blow’ series.

Moments later, a masked killer breaks into her home in an attempt to prove him wrong. In the whole scene of the fight for our heroine’s life, you can feel the adrenaline, tension and horror that accompanied us while watching the first part of The Scream. The girl, however, will be able to survive. However, this is only the beginning of the whole plot, as the heroes known to us from the first Scream return to deal with the evil that has plagued their city once and for all.

Cry (2022) - Ghostfave attacks a teenager

Old and new faces

Neve Campbell is the undisputed queen of the 90’s horror movies I think there is no need to present it to anyone. Many fans of this type (including me) put her poster above their bed, which can only confirm her popularity. Years later, she returns to “Krzyku” and continues to do brilliantly.

Of course, I realize that a great deal of emotion can overwhelm my judgment, but I enjoyed every minute of the movie with her. Courteney Cox and David Arquette are doing really well too, and their appearances might make us cry. But they are not the ones who play the main role in this story.

The Scream (2022) - Campbell & Cox

Takes up acting position in Krzyk (2022) A new generation of actors. Gina Ortega, better known from Iron Man 3 or “Insidious: Chapter 2” as Tara Carpenter, is very persuasive. Her character of a young teenager surviving a Ghostface attack and trying to deal with the trauma is the best for me. The girl struggles with the fact that her mother has never had time for her, that her older sister has abandoned her and, to make matters worse, barely escapes the attack of a disguised thug.

Another actress who deserves to be commended is Jasmine Savoy Brown as Mindy Mix Martin, who is an expert on murder and instructs everyone on how to act. In fact, only the role of Sonia Ammar playing a girl in one of the characters bothered me a bit. Her character was very cute and she was cast in the script as if attached. Well, it’s cute, but it’s definitely not enough.

The Scream (2022) - a scene from the movie

Requiem – something Hollywood loves

What is the response, you ask? Well, by definition it is A work that harkens back to the theme of an earlier film, but it is not a reproduction or linear continuation of its plot (any complement or prequel). Movies like Creed, Mad Max: Fury Road, or Jurassic World are perfect examples of this phenomenon.

If you want a deeper explanation, you will find it literally in the latest song “Scream”. There is a scene in which a group of teenagers and teens literally give us the definition of the word, while explaining to each other that in the movies where the killer hunts young men, for example, in “Friday the 13th”, heroes push themselves in the paws of the killers. However, everyone should know that since the killer is in the process of roaming, it is foolish for them to break up or go alone into a dark basement.

The Scream (2022) - Neve Campbell

Interestingly, for fans of the Wes Craven production, Krzyk (2022) will also be available So many flavors. It is better if you find them yourself during the show. I will limit myself to two of the most obvious examples. And so one of our heroes is named Wes, which is a clear nod to the creator of the first movie. Plus, our heroes, driving a car, cross the intersection with Elm Street (you probably know what’s going on, right?).

The Scream (2022) – Is it worth watching?

Amazing, but despite my initial fears in the cinema, I had a great time. Nowy Krzyk captures the spirit of the original and can keep you in suspense. More importantly, we don’t know who gets killed until the end, and that’s definitely a big plus. The creators play a game of cat and mouse with us, giving us secret tips every now and then.

The new cast is doing a great job, and the return of the old cast just adds a nice flavor to everyone. If I had anything to do wrong, it would be that I probably only jumped once in an armchair. To be honest then The newest installment in the Scream series, it’s a bit closer to a hardcore thriller or detective story than a thrilling whetstone.. There aren’t many murders here, blood doesn’t flow heavily, and most heroes will survive. Maybe it’s a genre redefinition, or maybe new age requirements – it’s not for me to judge. However, if you are a fan of the series, a fan of Ghostface, or you are looking for something that will keep you in suspense, then Scream (2022) will not disappoint you. At least it should not.

Cry (2022) - ghost

Final Rating for Scream (2022):

  • The return of the old actors
  • A very good performance by the representatives of the younger generation
  • Keeps you in suspense
  • Many flavors for fans of the works of the deceased Wes Craven
  • You can jump on the armchair once or twice
  • We don’t really know who the killer is
  • Not so brutal
  • It’s more of a thriller than a horror movie
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