The best original stories from the movies.  The imagination of these screenwriters knows no bounds

It is said that the best stories are written by life, and the wisest are written in books. No wonder filmmakers are so keen to use real events and adaptations from great literature. This is how great cinematic works are created, but what about productions based on original scripts? Writing a great movie story that fits into a literary work is quite a challenge. Text is a very specific medium, and it requires the creators’ imaginations to engage on many levels. Dialogues should be attractive to a wide audience, individual scenes rich in interesting detail and vivid, and above all there should be a universal truth about life. The greatest screenwriters are great writers and tenth inspirational masters. After all, they create the stories that the directors later conceived. The list below includes original movie stories that are particularly memorable to us. Stories packed with great starting ideas, clever dialogue, and surprising plot twists. Some of them you know for sure, and others may be a good recommendation for you. Take a look – each of these pictures will take you on an amazing story journey.

The best original stories from the movies


See also:

The MCU isn't just for kids.  This is a more mature facet of the Marvel universe.  Sex, alcohol, beheadings and much more
The greatest character actors - it is not because of their beauty that they have achieved success

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