The creator of Telegram, Pavel Durov, urged users to use any messaging program, except WhatsApp. As he claims, this is how they can protect their smartphone from hackers. In so doing, it indicates the latest case of a video attack.

The appeal to users appeared in a Telegram entry where Durov made it clear in his opinion The WhatsApp For more than ten years it has been used as a monitoring tool. He also confirms that he does not want to convince people to install it in this way cableBecause, he claims, his messenger does not need an additional upgrade. You can use any messaging app, but stay away from WhatsApp – it’s been a monitoring tool for 13 years,” the Telegram founder wrote directly.

For his argument, Durov pleads Gap descriptions CVE-2022-36934 and CVE-2022-27492 were patched in WhatsApp in September. Due to a software bug, the user’s smartphone (eventually the remote code is triggered) can become infected practically only after playing an infected video received in a conversation or after making a video call. The issue has been fixed, but Durov says that doesn’t mean that users who keep updating WhatsApp are safe.

The creator of Telegram suggests that a patch for one of the WhatsApp vulnerabilities is preceded by another, opening the way for attackers to use the messenger for monitoring purposes. Durov also refers to his country Log in years agoIn which he points out, among other things, that the lack of open source in the case of WhatsApp makes the work of security analysts difficult. Telegram is supposed to be the opposite.


Oskar Ziumek, editor in charge of

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