Drivers will pay more.  Another increase in fees on A4

From 3 April we will have increases for the use of the A4 motorway in the Katowice – Krakow section. The fee at each gate will be PLN 15 for passenger cars (previously PLN 13) and PLN 46 for cars of other categories (previously PLN 40). PLN 2 discounts for electronic payments for passenger cars must be preserved.

Stalexport Autostrada Małopolska (SAM), which is in charge of the A4 motorway in the Katowice – Krakow section, explains that the next increase in the next few months – the last one entered into force in July last year – due to inflation.

“The change in fee rates in the A4 franchise section, for which we are applying to GDDKiA, is a consequence The general economic situation, which also affects our business. At its center it is concerned with the maintenance of the road and the accompanying infrastructure at an appropriate level. Stalexport Autostrade Malopolska spokesperson Rafał Czekoski confirmed it in a statement.

In the application to the Director General of National Roads and Highways SAM SA (Highways Officer – Editor’s Note), he applies for permission to Change from April 3rd. Toll rates: for category 1 (vehicles other than motorcycles) – by PLN 2, from PLN 13 to PLN 15; for categories 2, 3, 4 and 5 – by PLN 6, from PLN 40 to PLN 46 “ Spokesperson for Sam Rafaczczewski

He noted that drivers of passenger cars who use automatic payments will be covered 13 percent off. , Which means PLN discount 2 (This concerns the collection of electronic tolls A4Go and Telepass, as well as video recording using the following applications: Autopay, SkyCash, mPay, IKO and transactions with ORLEN Flota cards).

“The amount of the discount for vehicles of categories 2 and 3, which will be applied to these categories of cars from April 3 of this year, will be referenced separately with GDDKiA,” – noted Czekoski.

select that The new prices will be applied in both toll areas – in Mysovice and in Balice.

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The previous raise, announced along with the application to GDDKiA on April 22, 2022, was paid for by SAM “The increase in highway maintenance and investment costs associated, among other things, with the recently rapidly increasing prices of services, building materials or energy carriers.”

The rates currently in force, which came into force on July 4 last year, are PLN 13 at each gate (previously PLN 12), while the current discount for passenger cars for electronic payments is PLN 3, giving a fee of PLN 10 Polish at every gate. Tolls for larger vehicles, in categories 2, 3, 4 and 5 set by SAM, increased last year from PLN 35 to PLN 40 at each gate.

Previous change decision from April 2022, It did not take into account the particularly high rate of inflation recorded in the previous year. Czekoski explained. “In light of the change in toll rates, the decision to maintain the discount for A4Go app users and electronic toll collectors, who travel by passenger cars, is particularly important.” added.

Referring to last year’s road manager’s request for a fare increase, GDDKiA asked him, “Request Consider all circumstances that might alter the proposal to increase the fee rate.”.

“First of all, we drew attention to the sheer size of the increase and to the very fact of it The traffic forecast, on the basis of which the decision to increase the toll was made, did not take into account the war in Ukraine that had been going on since February 24. said the state road manager last year, appealing to SAM for At least withhold the planned increase until the situation on the eastern border stabilizes.

GDDKiA also argued this One of the effects of the increases may be the transfer of part of the traffic to alternative highway routes A4, which is associated with a lower level of safety for drivers and other road users, as well as residents of nearby towns. “It also contradicts the role that highways are supposed to play in the country’s transportation system,” – was written at the time in the GDDKiA information.

According to the latest information from Stalexport Autostrady Group, which includes the company that operates the A4 Katowice – Kraków section, Revenue from fee collection made there in the first three quarters of 2022 amounted to PLN 303.9 million (an annual increase of 15.9%), which contributed to the increase in revenue of the entire group in the period to PLN 307.3 million an increase of 15.2% year-on-year. annual), and net profit to PLN 99.5 million (up 2.1% year-on-year).

In the first three quarters of last year, the toll section of the A4 Kraków-Katowice highway was used on average 47.5 thousand vehicles per day – 10.9% more than in the same period of the previous year. At that time, passenger car traffic in this section of the A4 increased year by year by 11.7%, and truck traffic by 7.2%.

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