Agency Spotlight koniec Stuu YouTube Team

It was the tenth team A joint project carried out for several years since 2019 by the Spotlight Agency, jointly owned (with Weronika Bielik and Wojciech Szaniawski) by Stuart Close Burton. The influencer, currently involved in Pandora Gate, sold his shares in the winter of this year, and in 2021 stopped serving on the company’s board of directors.

The first X team consists of Stuu, Marcin Dubiel, Julia Kostera, Lexa Chaplin and Kacper Błoński. As part of the project, the creators lived together in a rented villa near Warsaw, where they recorded their films continuously – up to several dozen per week. The project continued with subsequent participants until January of this year.

The project is a huge investment for us, but we believe in the potential of the people involved in it. “Conversations with potential sponsors and their interest confirm my belief that the market thinks likewise,” Spotlight’s then-CEO, Rafael Romaniuk, said in 2019.

Team X disappears from the Internet. Spotlight breaks up the brand

However, for several days now, Pandora’s Gate has been overwhelming the team and according to the latest information provided by the whistleblower, Sylvester Wardja, Claus Burton was arrested by his viewers on Wednesday evening in Great Britain and then handed over to the local police. Stu’s representative told the media that his client was beaten and taken to hospital.

On Wednesday, all videos except music videos were removed from the Team X channel. This week, Team

According to the statement sent to, Spotlight Agency has decided to completely remove the Team

“Like many of you, we too are shocked by what we have seen in recent days. Recognizing the time needed to clarify all the events described, but also taking into account the need to ensure the transparency of our actions, we have decided to remove items associated with Stuart Burton namely:- Complete liquidation of Team X, removing all videos related to this project from YouTube and creating a new channel in its place; Withdrawing from use of the Team Stop selling products bearing the Team – We read in a statement signed by Spotlight President Wojciech Szaniawski.

Additionally, the agency seeks the immediate removal of Stuart Burton’s channel from the network.

The company also responded to allegations made against it by Mikołaj Mesli, known as Konopski. Let us remember that in his material about Pandora Gate, the creator attacked the Spotlight agency, stating that the agency knew that the content created by Team

“Spotlight hired a woman who had appeared in adult films for the dating episode,” Konopski said. “Why has no one seen this before?” – asks the Creator. “(…) Millions, instead of going to artists of real value, go to Monica Kociolek, Fagata, Marcin Dobiel. These millions have been allowed for years to finance one of the most disgusting practices I have ever heard of, which is simply social,” he says. Konopsky: “These practices are harmful and wreak havoc on the heads of young people and children, who are very vulnerable to Internet patterns.”

In a statement provided to, Spotlight reported that Konopski did not contact them before publishing his film. It has been confirmed that the events described by Mikołaj Mesli occurred long before Spotlight was created.

“After 37 minutes of material related to child sexual abuse, Mikołaj Mesli moved on to discuss the company’s activities, which currently have no connection to the first part of the material.” Without informing the viewer and nowhere including any information or correction that Stuart Burton was not the owner of Spotlight. This constitutes a serious violation of the principles of journalistic practice– says Spotlight’s president, Wojciech Szaniawski, in a statement.

Regarding the published materials, we would like to emphasize that we strongly condemn sexual abuse of minors. We are pleased that this case was handled by the District Prosecutor’s Office in Warsaw, ensuring a thorough investigation and clarification of the allegations. (…) The agency currently brings together creative people who direct their activities to very diverse target groups – from children to teenagers to adults,” we read in the press release.

Spotlight also outlines corrective steps – it intends to appoint a spokesperson for communications between creators and viewers at the company, and create workshops for creators who create content for children. The agency will also seek to organize discussions on proposed regulations that should apply to the influencer marketing industry.

“We have been introduced as a major entity in the influencer marketing industry. Therefore, we appeal to the author to allow us to have a say when creating materials related to Spotlight Agency in the future. This is even more true in situations where “all of Poland” follows specific articles which relate to such important issues“- sums up Wojciech Szaniawski.

A series of allegations against Stowe

More than two weeks ago, influencer Olciak93 reported that when she was 13-14 years old, Stuu, then one of the most popular YouTubers in Poland, encouraged her in online correspondence to send him her “beautiful photos” and made sexual innuendos. A few days later, Stu, through his lawyer, announced legal action against Olciak93. The lawyer accused her of a number of manipulations, and suggested that she wanted to promote herself based on this situation, although he did not deny most of the information she provided.

The lawyer expressed reservations, among others: In addition, in the interview with Olciak93, the identity of the YouTuber who received her nude photo from the influencer was not revealed. – Alexandra Adamczyk herself in the interview refers to the participation of other people in particular One person received a “more interesting picture” from her and hid his identity, focusing only on the story of Mr. Stuart Burton. Jacob Wittor also does not seek to create the full picture of the situation that Alexandra Adamczyk created during the interview – said the lawyer.

However, Sylwester Wardęga, in a recording published last Tuesday, described in detail that Stuu maintained special relationships with his teenage fans. Two cases are presented in detail: Stuu’s encounter with a 14-year-old girl, which ended on a bed in a hotel room, and a party in his apartment, during which the teenage girls were offered alcohol, and after passing out, one of them woke up in bed with Stuu.

According to Wardęga, his girlfriend Fagata and close friend Marcin Dubiel were aware of Stuu’s behaviour. He stated that when he indicated a few months ago that he also knew the details of the case, both Stowe and Dobell contacted him, begging him not to reveal the information. Dobell announced on Wednesday that he had filed a special indictment against Wardaga for defamation, describing his material as “pure manipulation.” – I have nothing to do with pedophilia, it’s a terrible thing for me. I completely distance myself from Stuart and all his disgusting behavior – confirmed Dobiel.

Wojciech Szaniawski, President and Co-Owner of Spotlight Agency and Move Union, said: – I have no past or present evidence or any evidence related to the Stuart Barton case. He announced that people who joke about sexual contact with minors will be excluded from the Move union.

Other influencers associated with Team X and Spotlight Agency have not avoided image issues. In the spring of 2021, recordings from several years ago appeared online showing Natsu getting naked in front of a webcam in exchange for money. A few months later, the influencer announced her departure from Team X and announced that she would focus on her own projects. Spotlight Agency has acquired half of the shares of its company Natsu World.

On the other hand, Lexiu sent nude photos of himself to a teenage fan in January last year. YouTuber Konopsky revealed this. Leksiu announced that he is leaving Team X and suspending his online activity. He explained – I should focus on myself and my affairs.

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