Mass graves near Mariupol.  You can see it in satellite images

The first excavations appeared in ancient Crimea on March 24, after the Russians occupied the village. Its length is about 60-70 km on satellite images.

The photo from April 24 shows new trenches. The length of the entire mass burial area increased to more than 200 meters.

Commenting on this information Mayor of Mariupol Vadim Boychenko He said that the authorities were aware that the bodies of the murdered residents of Mariupol were taken to the cemetery in ancient Crimea and placed in mass graves.

– We know about these mass graves, because these fascists – no other words – involve the local population in burials in exchange for food. They told us that in order to get food and water you have to practice ‘working hours’. Boychenko said there is not enough humanitarian aid in Mariupol now, so people are forced to do so.

According to Radio Swoboda, the ancient Crimea has been occupied since March 10.

Ukrainian media and local authorities have reported two more mass burial sites, which were discovered thanks to satellite images. These manhues are located to the west of Mariupol and Winohraden to the east of the city.

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