Corona virus in Poland.  a.  Włodzimierz Gut comments on the words of the Minister of Health

In an interview with Fakt Health Minister Adam Nidzelsky He said that there were “indications of an improvement in the epidemiological situation in Poland” and that the fifth wave of the epidemic was “no longer associated with such a large number of hospitalizations”.

– I think that in the perspective of the month, because we expect this fifth wave to disappear over the next few weeks, I will recommend the gradual abandonment of restrictions and the restoration of the normal functioning of social and economic life. Primarily, we will decide to reduce the hospital infrastructure used to fight COVID-19. Then, step by step, we will withdraw from the following restrictions. If the rate of decline in infections continues, March is a very realistic possibility of lifting restrictions – Niedzielski announced.

Please note that changes to the isolation and isolation policy are effective. Make sure to read!

Virologist: There will be new variants of the Corona virus

a. Włodzimierz Gut believes it is too early to talk about the end of the pandemic. – It is not the Polish Minister of Health who announced the spread of a pandemic, and he will not cancel it. We have a case where the difference in injuries is 16% week after week. Given the uncertainty of the outcome, that is, the number of reported infections, I would not dare to talk about the beginning of the end of the epidemic – the virologist said in an interview with Rzeczpospolita.

a. Gut believes that when vaccinated, 50 percent. The Poles “will have a few million more to get sick.” “There will be new variants, which is inevitable because that is what RNA viruses offer. Omicron itself is not homogeneous, there are a lot of these variants. Comparing the virulence of variants is deceptive because we know that the virus behaves differently in the young population than in the cohort population Middle and Older Adults The virologist says I have not seen an analysis that takes these criteria into account.

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