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The first woman to win called me 2021

After winning the Best Prize for Yo May Lama 2021, Rocio Torquel became the first woman to win the Yo Me Lama 2021 in her first season.

“I have no words. It looks incredible. I’m so grateful to everyone who has supported me since I started,” said the 18-year-old winner.

Rocío Dúrcal Success My name is 2021

Danley Martinez, impersonating Rocio Turkel, won the third season of Yo Me Lamo 2021, 1.3 points ahead of his rival Jose Jose.

The Spanish singer impersonated $ 10,000, and Toyota Aqua picked up a check for $ 23,200.

My name is 2021: Rosie Turkel and Jose Jose

Shades of Rosick Turkel and Jose Jose are vying to win the third season of Yo Me Lamo 2021.

My name is 2021: Nino Bravo is in third place

Spanish singer impersonator Nino Bravo took home a check for $ 2,500.

“There are better ones,” he said, referring to his two teammates who will play in the final of Yo Mae Lamo 2021.

My name is 2021: Gilberto Santa Rosa was in fourth place

The Fifth Arbitration Tribunal of Yo Me Lamo 2021 decided that the fourth place would be occupied by Raul Gutierrez, the impersonator of Gilberto Santa Rosa.

My name is 2021: What did the referee say about Rocco Turkel?

“You have grown up in front of us. Your first sensual presentation,” Ingrid de Yaza commented.

In turn, Aaron Sebedi noted: “I have two presentations with you.”

Finally, La One Doo, one of the most sought after jurors of the Spanish singer’s impersonator, said, “I love what you do.”

My name is 2021: Rocio Torgel sings “How can I forget you”

Spanish singer Rocio Turkel’s young impersonation changed the style of explaining the title “How can I forget you” on the stage of dreams, in his 2002 album In concert … unforgettable.

The Arbitration Tribunal of Yo Me Lamo 2021 qualifies Jose Jose

Ingrid de Yikasa began the return round for the impersonator of the Mexican singer and pointed out: “You are very determined to make a delivery of its best version.”

For his part, Alessio Cronje defined it with the word “sustainability”.

Finally, Aaron Sebedi said: “This second song by Jose Jose is the song I trusted the most.”

My name is 2021: Jose Jose sings “Clown”

The second round of Yo Me Lamo 2021 brought Jose to the stage of dreams with “Paoso”, whose song “El Francis de la Consciousness” was included in the 1984 album Reflection.

Gilberto Santa Rosa fell in love with Judge Yo Me Lamo in 2021

Raul Goodress, Gilberto Santa Rosa’s presentation on the stage of Yo Me Lamo 2021 Dreams was widely acclaimed by the jury.

“I really liked this show and you will definitely qualify for the finals,” commented Alessio Cronje.

For its part, La One Doo praised his character.

After leaving the stage, I was shown crying Raul Gutierrez emotionally at the possibility of my name winning in 2021.

“This is the most important and biggest thing in my life,” the participant said a few minutes ago with a broken voice.

Gilberto Santa Rosa sings “Christmas in Panama”

The fake of El Caballero de la Salsa, Gilberto Santa Rosa, shocked the four judges of Yo Me Lamo 2021 with his explanation. “Christmas in Panama”, A song dedicated to the Central American country by a Puerto Rican singer.

Nino Bravo: “My voice was loud to me”

After hearing the referee’s comments, especially about his second performance, which turned out to be more complicated than the first show, the fake Spanish singer admitted that it was not what he expected.

Nino Bravo’s voice is too big for me. “ Louis Rowe said, standing in La One Doe and praising.

“I went to the limit of my voice for you,” he added.

Nino Bravo from Alessio Cronje: “It costs you to get there”

Following in the footsteps of his partner, Alessio Cronje agreed that Nino Bravo’s first presentation was better than the second. “It costs you to get there,” he said.

Aaron Zepede commented, “You had problems at the peak, which was no better than the first.”

An opinion that La One Two also subscribed.

Ingrid de Yikasa First ‘Nino Bravo’: The first round I liked the most

Ingrid de Yikasa did not yield to Nino Bravo’s return to acting.

“I think you did what you could, but I stick with the first one,” commented Yo Mi Lamo 2021’s referee.

My name is 2021: Nino Bravo starts the second round

With theme “The Door of Love”, Spanish impersonator Nino Bravo hopes Yo Me Lamo will fall in love with the 2021 Cory Jury.

Jose Jose sold his car and my name is 2021:

My name is packed with stories of great emotions like Jose who sold his car to the 2021 Panama Dreams show.

So, after receiving greetings from his family, he did not hide his emotional tears. “They are my motivation, my dreams to achieve my goals”, Commented.

My Name is 2021: Jose Jose Sings “If You Leave Me Now”

Peruvian Jose Eduardo Pineto ended the first round of ‘Jose Jose’, Yo May Lamo 2021 with the description “If You Leave Me Now”.

“We’re going to make everyone in their homes feel about this beautiful melody,” the impersonator commented in the previous minutes.

Gilberto reveals that Santa Rosa also sings to his father

Gilberto Santa Rosa impersonator, Raul Goodress, was moved by the greetings of his family, whom he had not seen for four months. “It involves art,” he commented.

He revealed that his father also began his artistic career Senior voice.

My name is 2021: Gilberto Santa Rosa sings “I’m going down her”

Raul Gutierrez, the impersonator of Gilberto Santa Rosa, gave everything in the first round on the stage of Yo May Lamo 2021’s dreams.

He chose to illustrate the theme for this final “Crop going down”, Included on the album Intenso released in 2001.

Jose Jose: “We worked very hard”

Jose Jose (Jose Eduardo Pinedo) worked very hard during these three months and with rehearsal, he expressed his desire that nothing should ruin that moment.

My name is 2021: Gilberto Greetings from Santa Rosa

Raul Cutres, a reflection of Gilberto Santa Rosa, said in an earlier presentation on the Stage of Dreams that he received a greeting from the Puerto Rican salsa singer known as ‘El Caballero de la Salsa’.

My name is 2021: Nino Bravo is excited to see his mother again

Like his partner Rocio Turkel, Luis Rowe, the imitator of Nino Bravo, the prince of the romantic ballad, was surprised by the greetings of his friends and family, especially his mother, whom he had not seen for two years.

After three rounds you will see the fruit. Remember: This is what you learn to live and enjoy the moment you experience.“, He greeted the impersonator’s mother.

My name is 2021: Nino Bravo sings “My Land”

Nino Bravo Fake, Louis Rowe, explained that he chose my land as a song because it was significant in the environmental project he is now working on.

My name is 2021: Rocio Turkel is excited

Rosia Turk was impressed by the greetings of her friends and family, especially her father, who declared herself the pride of Sirik, a province in western Panama.

Rocio Turkel sings “I love you so much”

Announced, performed by Spanish singer Rocio Turkel’s impersonator Daniele Martinez “I like you so much”, Song composed by Mexican Juan Gabriel.

Rocio Turkel: I want to enjoy it

“I will be the last on the stage of dreams”; Danielle Martinez, impersonating Rocio Turkel.

2021 started calling me that

The scene of Yo’s dreams called 2021 has begun. The first to leave is Rocio.

Starts in a few minutes My name is Panama 2021

Four participants compete in the finals of Yo Me Lamo Panam á 2021.

My name is Season 3 finalists Panama 2021 There are four of them. On Tuesday, October 5, these contestants, including two Peruvians, will fight for the title of winner of the popular Telemetro Image Project. Here is the full list of finalists:

In the semifinals of Yo me llamo Panamá, ‘Rocío Durcal’ sang “El Amor Más Bonito”, “Gilberto Santa Rosa” as well as “Let Someone Say”, “Nino Bravo” “Yellow Letters” and “José. I doubt it.” Finally, ‘Eddie Herrera’ appeared with ‘Katina de Amore’, but forgot the lyrics, so it was removed.

Yo Me Llamo Panamá 2021 will have a final ceremony at 8.30pm This Tuesday, October 5. Here followers of Gilberto Santa Rosa, Rocio Torque, Jose Jose and Nino Bravo will compete as the third champion of the Panamanian Image Project.

The channel that will broadcast Yo me llamo Panamá’s final match will be Telemetro. Here’s how to tune that channel according to your cable operator:

If you want to watch Telemetro Live, you can tune this channel from your smart TV, but only if you are in Panama. Doing this through Metcom GO and another alternative Telemetro.com.

Yo me llamo Panamá The finalist of 2021 will be available to enter the Metcom GO Telemetro.com. With these sites you can follow minute by minute the contest in which the winner is selected in Season 3.

To vote for your favorite participant in Yo me llamo Panamá 2021, you must follow these steps:

Keep in mind that you can only vote once per device.

Yo me llamo Panamá 2021 will be signaled during the broadcast so you can vote after the presentations.

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