Will Russians get a new holiday?  Ukrainians will be angry

Much of the information reported by Russian media and government officials may be incorrect. Such reports may be part of information warfare on the part of the Russian Federation.

On February 24, 2022, Russia attacked Ukraine, starting a regular war. Our eastern neighbors have been defending themselves against Moscow's aggression for nearly two years and have managed to stop the aggressor and then push them east. The conflict has been going on for nearly two years.

Russian propaganda calls regular war “denazification” and “special military operation.” Now a Russian Duma deputy wants to go further.

According to the idea of ​​Zhanna Lantratova from the Just Russia party, February 24 – the anniversary of the attack on Ukraine – will be a public holiday. The representative wants to commemorate this date and call it “the day of the launch of the special military operation.” Moreover, its idea is primarily directed at… children and teenagers.

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Nostalgia for the Soviet Union and styles from the previous era is gaining strength in Russia. The idea proposed by the deputy seems to be taken from a textbook of Soviet propaganda. But this is how Kremlin propaganda works, and this is nothing new.

According to what Nexta reported on the X platform (Twitter), Lantratowa wants this Introducing and modifying modern history for school-age children and teens. After all, “what an eggshell absorbs when you're young…”

The details of the idea are quite bold, to say the leastIt smells bad provocation. On February 24, all children in Russia must spend mandatory time absorbing “knowledge” about “Denazification of Ukraine”.

Or the idea of ​​a deputy in the Duma in Russia Does he have the support of the rest of the parliamentarians and the Kremlin? Most likely yes. After all, it is better to start promoting and shaping young minds and putting them on the “right way of thinking” as soon as possible. At least that's what it looks like in Russia.

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