We reduce carbon dioxide emissions.  impact?  New record in 2023

Specialists from various fields are constantly working to combat climate change caused by excessive emissions of greenhouse gases. It is noteworthy that there is a need to quickly reduce global carbon dioxide emissions. According to the Paris Agreement, we should limit global warming to no more than 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels.

to achieve that, Global carbon dioxide emissions are expected to fall by about five percent this yearAs Glenn Peters, research director at the climate research institute CICERO in Norway, points out.

At the same time, the trend is increasing. According to Norwegian research. In 2023, emissions will increase by 0.5 to 1.5 percent. “It is very unlikely that emissions will decrease in 2023,” he told AFP. “Every year of greenhouse gas emissions makes it more difficult to reach Paris-compliant pathways,” Peters added.

The final results of the analysis will be known at the end of the year, when the “Global Carbon Budget” report will be published during the meeting of world leaders in the United Arab Emirates, which will present carbon dioxide emissions from all sources. Major UN talks will then be held, dominated by international disputes over the future of fossil fuels.

Earlier this year, the International Energy Agency reported that for the first time in history, global demand for oil, gas and coal is expected to peak due to the rapid development of clean energy technologies and electric vehicles.

Climate experts hope emissions will peak in 2015 and then decline. Then there were hopes regarding the restrictions associated with the Covid-19 pandemic, which turned out to be a turning point. “And yet, here we are again, with a new peak in 2022 and another peak expected again in 2023.” Peters said. “I’m concerned that we’re doing half the job of producing clean energy and not doing the other half by moving away from fossil fuels.” – added the expert.

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