Warner Bros.  I want more Harry Potter.  Studio head about the future of the series

Ann Sarnoff, CEO of Warner Bros. Recently, the company wants to create more original Harry Potter content. The productions will join eight other films from this universe on HBO Max streaming platform. As mentioned by the portal The Hollywood ReporterSarnoff, at a conference organized by Bloomberg, spoke about the new productions set in The Wizarding World and emphasized that she would remain true to the original book by J.K. Rowling:

We’d love to create more Harry Potter content, and we have regular discussions about this with JK Rowling and her team. Whatever we do, we must remain faithful to the law, the spirit of the wizarding world and who Harry is.

Anne Sarnoff did not say what specific content we could expect. However, Harry Potter fans have no reason to worry, as there have been some brief rumors about the creation of a HBO Max TV show focusing on the world through JK Rowling’s books. Recently, two other titles from this universe were also announced, and their release dates are fast approaching.

Warner Bros. Recently released the trailer for Fantastic Beasts: Dumbledore’s SecretsWhich will hit big screens in April 2022. On January 1, you’ll also see the actors meet on HBO Max Harry Potter In the lanes of Hogwarts, who will remember the production marking the 20th anniversary of the film’s premiere Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.

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