United States of America.  The crown jewel of skywatchers.  Kelvin-Helmholtz clouds observed in Wyoming

A resident of Sheridan, Wyoming.United States of America) Syndicated with BBC News A shot of the unusually shaped clouds I was able to capture. This phenomenon was seen on Tuesday, December 7 over the Bighorn Mountain Range. “It was special, I knew right away I had to capture it,” photographer Rachel Gordon told the BBC. A Wyoming resident also posted the photo to the Facebook group Wyoming through the lensWhere more similar images appeared.

Matt Taylor of BBC Weather said the images are some of the most stunning and epic examples of Kelvin Helmholtz clouds he has ever seen. The UK Cloud Appreciation Society describes these formations as the crown jewel of many cloud watchers’ groups.

Kelvin-Helmholtz clouds – how do they form?

Clouds formed as a result of this phenomenon have been named after him Kelvin Helmholtz clouds or fluctuating clouds. Cloud formation is named after scientists Lord Kelvin and Hermann von Helmholtz, who studied the physical processes behind this phenomenon.

How do corrugated clouds form? In order for it to form in the atmosphere, two layers of air—a warmer and a cooler one—must be in contact with each other. As they move relative to each other, characteristic wave-like eddies form on contact.

This phenomenon usually occurs in windy conditions days. Mostly over the mountains.

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