The war in Ukraine.  Germany: This is Putin’s war, we are cutting Russia off from the Swift system

Yesterday we decided that We will deliver weapons to Ukraine. for aggression put it in There is only one answer. Our second task is to prevent Putin from continuing this war The counselor said German Olaf Schulze.

There is only one response to Putin’s aggression. Because our second task is to keep Putin away from the idea of ​​continuing this war. This war will also be a disaster for Russia. Together with the European Union and all member states, we have established a clear path against this war – said the politician.

– We want to take Criminal steps against Putin and his people. We want to confiscate the assets of all the oligarchs, shut down all Russian banks and disable their Swift system Schulz said. “This is yesterday’s decision,” he added.

– Don’t expect too much. Putin certainly won’t change his mind overnight, but maybe soon. Because they will know the price they pay for their aggression. The Russian stock exchange is down 30 percent, which means our sanctions are paying off. We are preparing for more sanctions that will be tougher.

He also added that “put it in It is he who is guilty of the war, not the Russian people. This is Putin’s war“At this point, we’re on this path of getting to the officials,” he said.

What is happening in Ukraine is a violation of all human rightsThe right to liberty and sovereignty – said the chancellor German Olaf Schulze.

February 22, 2022 will go down in history as the bleakest day. The German prime minister said that President Putin’s attack on Ukraine was the outbreak of war for one reason only: to take freedom from the Ukrainians.

– Show us the ugly pictures we receive from Kiev or Mariupol Putin’s unscrupulousness. We see people’s pain and suffering This matters to all of us. I know exactly what questions these people have to ask themselves. He said what problems they are facing now with this news and the reality that surrounds them.

We know this only from the stories of our fathers and grandfathers. “For young people, what is happening, the war, is unfathomable,” Schultz said.

Many express their dissatisfaction by protesting in the streets. We have an era change at this point. this means The world will never be the same then – He said: “Actually, it’s a question of power. Does Putin want to return the clocks to the nineteenth century, or will we have enough power and strength to show him where his limits are?” asked the counselor.

It takes a lot of dedication. This is what we want We will fight for our freedom, our democracy and our prosperity – He added and expressed his gratitude to politicians, including the President of the Bundestag and heads of political blocs, for their invitation to hold an extraordinary parliamentary session

The attack on Ukraine is not just a desire to erase an independent country from the map of the world, but it is there It is a breach of the peace balance in EuropeReally A breach in the harmony of cooperation between countries. Together with France, we are trying to find a common way to act against this power – he said. He added that Germany is not alone in its actions, which was confirmed by the results of the New York Conference and the positions presented by the United States and France.

Only by applying the emergency brake can we stop this brutal course of events. It’s a shame for us that something like this happened, Schultz said.

– President Putin is talking here about defending security, but he takes care of it through the use of weapons and aggression. The head of the German government said that it violates the security of all of Europe.

It is impossible to maintain security in Europe with such an aggressive stance from Russia. We must draw a clear line in this regard. We have to face the challenges that time presents to us right now. We had many proposals for peace negotiations, but At the moment, we must first of all support Ukraine in its problems as much as possible He said.

Kiev: The Russians shot a family, including a girl of a few years old

The attack on Ukraine creates a new era. The citizens themselves defend Kiev, Kharkiv, Odessa and Mariupol. They fight for the values ​​we share. As Democrats and Europeans, we are on the right side of history, Schultz said.

This change of era affects the whole of Europe. Perhaps this is the time to strengthen relations in the European Union. The German chancellor said that the question now is not what we should do, but what is best for the entire European Union.

– After the Second World War, we had very good peaceful relations with Russia and the Russian people. It is very important to us that this continues. I know how difficult it is to understand what is happening not only to our compatriots, but also to those people who were born in Russia and currently live in Germany. It is important to It’s Putin’s war against the world of freedom – said Schulze, recalling the protests in the cities of Russia against the war with Ukraine, although the participants in them “take it upon themselves that they face imprisonment and severe punishments.”

At the moment, Germany is absolutely on the side of Ukraine All our sympathies are with the victims of this war. That’s why we stand with those Russians who oppose Putin’s actions, and we know there are a lot of them, he said. – To all of those, I wanted to say, don’t give up. I am convinced that freedom and tolerance of human rights will be defended in Russia – added Schulze.

In his words, “the biggest challenge is to stop hostilities directed against other countries in Europe.”

As a member of NATO, it is our responsibility to ensure this. I told our Eastern European partners that “we are with you and will not leave you in these difficult moments and We will defend every meter of land under NATO protectionAnd Schultz added: “We say this very seriously, because accepting a country in NATO means that the alliance is defending this country and its sovereignty,” he stressed.

The German army assumes this duty and is ready to defend the eastern flank of NATO. Our army is now ready for immediate action. We also expanded his powers and possibilities of work – explained the politician.

Changing the era that characterizes the world after Putin’s aggression requires us to face challenges. Germany will contribute to stopping this aggression. At this point, the German chancellor said, we must give the Bundeswehr new powers that it did not have as a result of historical events.

As Schulze announced it Germany increases its military spending. They will spend 100 billion euros on activities related to the country’s security. As Schulze said, they do this to “be a reliable partner.”

– President Putin on Thursday created a completely new reality. It requires a clear answer from us. Yesterday, he said, we decided to deliver weapons to Ukraine.

We must maintain the country’s energy independence – added. He also said that Putin’s war contributed to the rise in energy prices.

We defend peace in Europe, we will never agree to aggression. We will try to resolve this conflict so that there is peace in Europe. A German politician in the Bundestag said: We are not alone in this, we have partners in Europe.

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