The strongest characters from Patrick Vega’s universe – ranking isn’t really serious

Does the Patrick Vega universe movie really exist? The world where protein and sugar go for coffee, and rehabilitated fear becomes the new chief nurse? No one has ever officially confirmed this, but there are many indications that something is going on (I’ve noticed that some Gebels have the same title as the main character small world?). There is a reason, after all, that Vegetarian cinema is so identical stylistically and twin in story. Everything is thought out here and might lead to an epic finale filled with sex, violence, and archetypal systems. Who will win the final showdown? stronger than her!

A lot of work is required to assemble the following arrangement. How do you define strength of character? The multi-week calculations and analyzes included factors such as: biceps width, quantity and quality of alcohol drunk, intellectual disability, number of cut victims, and average conversion speed. The result of the calculations can be found in the table below. Check out who made the top ten, and for your peace of mind, look here and there. The world created by Patrick Vega becomes much more digestible if we do not take it seriously. Finally, an important note: you will not find the champions of the first in the ranking below pitbull. You don’t need to be a movie expert to notice that this production is from a completely different story than the other works included in Patrick Vega universe (PVU).

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