The Motorola Moto G85 5G costs €300 in Europe

Another contender for the title of the best smartphone worth up to PLN 1,500 has appeared on the Internet. Motorola Moto G85 5G reveals price in Europe and some specifications. Would it be worth buying?

It is no coincidence that Motorola’s mid-range devices are conquering the hearts and wallets of Poles by storm. They’re on sale almost all the time, and after the first offer they get insanely cheaper. Motorola Moto G85 5G It is unlikely to be an exception. Thanks to a leak from a store, we learned about its specifications and partial price. The good news is that there is no reason to fear rising prices.

The Motorola Moto G85 5G is expected to cost €300 in Europe

predecessor Motorola Moto G85 5G It was first shown in August 2023. This time, the manufacturer clearly aims to debut a little faster, because specifications and partial prices are already available online. Thanks to one store, we know that The smartphone will cost 300 euros. 12/256GB is a very reasonable amount of memory for this kind of money.

Motorola Moto G85 5G price in Europe / Image via Deal N Tech

We will likely learn about the rest of the specifications in the next few weeks. This isn’t hard to predict, as Motorola is very conservative in its approach to changes in its mid-range devices. However, if we see there again Snapdragon 695Even the most sick are likely to lose their hands. Then the additional amount of RAM for the program will not be of any benefit.

The best phones are worth up to PLN 1,500. We compare 3 great options in Poland

No one will be hurt by the design changes either. Latest generations of Moto smartphones They looked alike. However, as changes appear in the Edge 50 series, we can hope for a new look for the Motorola Motoo G85 5G. Additionally, we expect in-camera OIS optical stabilization and a waterproof housing.

Motorola Moto G84 5G / Manufacturer’s Image

At the other end of the profitability scale is the Google Pixel 8a. This was supposed to be an expensive phone, but it turned out to be even more expensive. Even the biggest fans will not accept such a ridiculous price at the start of official sales in Poland. There are no changes and the amount has increased by several hundred zlotys.

Łolaboga, w Polsce to nam Kuboty spadną. Cena „najlepszego średniaka 2024” jest absurdalnie wysoka

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