The Mandela Effect in Movies: 9 movie scenes and unreal quotes

Do you remember the famous line from the movie “Casablanca”: “Play it again, Sam”? You surely remember this nostalgic scene, the tone of Humphrey Bogart’s voice, the melody playing on the piano… a classic! But Bogart never said those words. seriously. There are many examples of the Mandela effect in films, i.e. false memories of cinema. Prepare for a heavy dose of shock, because nothing will ever be the same again.

Mandela effect These are, frankly, false memories, but not for one individual, but for a larger group of people. It is a phenomenon when we remember events, facts or details differently than they were documented in reality. The name comes from a specific case: many people think so Nelson Mandela He died in prison in the 1980s, although he did not actually die until 2013 after his presidency of South Africa.

There are many examples of the Mandela effect (What Bartosz Gudzinski wrote about in naTemat), but where does this come from? Why do we imagine something different than it was?

The reasons may be different. The Mandela effect is often related to memory processes and the way the brain processes and interprets information. Some theories suggest so False memories It may be the result of media influence, social suggestions, or even psychological phenomena such as leakage, i.e. the unconscious production of false memories.

The Mandela effect also proves how unreliable it is Human memory. It shows that human memory is unstable and vulnerable to manipulation, which can have serious consequences, for example in trials, history lessons or… knowledge of films.

Read also:,zdrowie-mandeli-na-czem-polega-teoria-spiskowa-i-problemy-z-pamiecia

The Mandela effect in movies: 8 movie scenes and unreal quotes

Yes, the Mandela effect also applies to movies. We’ve collected eight examples Moments and quotes from the movie that viewers remember even though they never happened at all. We’ve ranked them by the most “bullshit”. Prepare for a big shock!

8. “We’ll need a bigger boat”? Jaws has no quote like that at all

We start our list with “jaw” From 1975, it is one of the most famous films of this type Animal attack. excitement Stevina Spielberga About a Killer Shark was the first film to gross over $100 million at the box office. Until they beat him two years later “star Wars”was the highest-grossing production of all time.

Do you remember the famous saying? “We’ll need a bigger boat.” (“We’re gonna need a bigger boat”) When Brody throws the bait overboard? Surely you remember if you have watched the movie “Jaws” at least once. This will shock you, because Roy Scheider actually says: “You’ll need a bigger boat.”“, which means “You will need a bigger boat.”

Yes, it seems like a small difference, but it still amazes me. Especially since this quote seems illogical. Why does the hero say “you”? After all, he’s also on a boat and the shark is the problem for all of them? Maybe that’s why we decided that this movie line should make more sense hence our grammatical license.

7. Morpheus doesn’t say “What if I told you…” in “The Matrix”

And now a film that needs no introduction, a famous film “matrix” (since 1999) Directed by the Wachowski Sisters. It seems to us that in the iconic scene when Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) offers Neo (Keanu Reeves) a red and blue pill, the hero says: “What if I told you…” (What if I told you…”).

This quote is not actually in the movie “Matrix”. Morpheus simply says: “Do you want to know what it is?”That is: “Do you want to know what it is?” And it doesn’t look the same (unlike many… Examples of the Mandela Effect in films)!

Why do we imagine this scene with the phrase “what if I told you”? it’s easy. It is the “fault” of popular culture and the Internet, which added this phrase to Morpheus memes. After all, it is thanks to these words that the “Matrix” meme can serve its rightful purpose, which is to provide some shocking truth. But actually in the movie… it’s not there.

6. There is no “Hello, Clarice” line in “The Silence of the Lambs.”

Do you remember the first scene of meeting Hannibal Lecter?Anthony, Hopkins(d. Clarice Starling)Jodie Foster) at the Oscars “Silence of the Lambs” From 1991, one of the greatest films of all time? Lecter says “Hello Clarice”, TRUE? Falsehood. In fact, the hero speaks simply “Good morning”i.e. a simple “Good morning.”

Do you feel dizzy? This is understandable, because how do we come up with our own quote?! Well, there is an explanation for this. Good In the 1996 film “Telemaniac,” Jim Carrey imitates Hannibal Lecter and says the line “Hello, Clarice.”. No wonder he adds the heroine’s name, as he wants his friend to understand which movie character he is referring to. And Lecter himself says Clarice’s name a lot in The Silence of the Lambs, so we’ve put it all together.

5. Tom Cruise isn’t wearing sunglasses in this famous scene from “Risky Business.”

“dangerous work” It is a famous comedy film from 1983 Tom Cruise. In the famous scene, a popular motion picture, the hero slides to the floor wearing a T-shirt, underpants, socks and sunglasses… backwards. Joel Goodson doesn’t wear glasses at all.

Why do we imagine the hero wearing sunglasses in this scene?! Well, he wears it a lot in the movie and he put it on the poster, so we can tie it together. There’s also one explanation: In a sketch on “Saturday Night Live,” it was decided that the character from “Risky Business” would be more recognizable through glasses, so the comedian’s costume was modified. Everything was mixed up…

4. Humphrey Bogart doesn’t say “Play it again, Sam” in Casablanca

“Play it again, Sam.”that it “Play it again, Sam.” It is famous “White House” (1942) is one of the most famous film adaptations. Too bad it doesn’t exist. Rick is played by him Humphria BogartaHe says something very different to pianist Sam (Dolly Wilson) in an emotional scene: “Play it once, Sam. For old time’s sake… play it, Sam.” (“Play it once, Sam. For old time’s sake… Play it, Sam.”)

In our defense, it’s worth noting that the “Play It Again, Sam” version is the better one. Fortunately, the quote doesn’t change two facts: both “Casablanca” and the song “As Time Goes By,” which Rick requested from his friend, are great.

3. The Evil Queen does not say “My mirror, my mirror is on the wall…” in Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.

This example may strike some people as apologetic. In Poland it is “Mirror, tell me who is the smartest in the world?”and in English-speaking countries the famous proverb: “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful of them all?”

“My mirror, my mirror” It is actually used every day and in a variety of contexts, but the Evil Queen in “Snow White and the Seven Dwarves” From 1937 he doesn’t address his magic mirror that way at all. In fact, a queen instead “Mirror, mirror on the wall…” (Literally: “Mirror, mirror on the wall…”) he says “Magic mirror on the wall…”That is, “a magic mirror on the wall…”

Although in most examples we change the movie quote to a more logical quote, in this case it is exactly the opposite. After all, the original “Magic Mirror” makes more sense, considering that the Evil Queen talks to a magic mirror. Our mistake is difficult to even explain.

2. “ET HOME PHONE”? There is no such problem in the movie “E.T.”

“ET” Steven Spielberg (who returns to the list) is a 1982 family classic in which a homesick little alien chats with Elliot and Gertie “Home phone ET”…We can remember this exact scene! We were all affected by it! And this finger points to the sky!

But this is not true. ET never says these words, even though we all remember it that way. The space hero says something rather vague “Home phone ET”. Small difference? Maybe, but in the world of pop culture and famous movie adaptations, this is a really big deal. Where did this error come from? It’s possible that viewers simply changed the quote from the linguistically awkward alien to…a more grammatically correct quote.

1. Darth Vader didn’t say “Luke, I am your father” in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

First of all, a quote so iconic that it’s almost unbelievable it was never said. It comes of course “Luke, I’m your father.” (“Luke, I am your father”) vs “Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back” (1980) in the famous fight scene between Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader.

Yep, you guessed it, Vader, the former Anakin Skywalker, doesn’t say that line at all. Instead, he simply says “No, I’m your father.” (“No, I’m your father”). Therefore he does not say his son’s name. His words are a direct response to Luke’s confession: “(Obi-Wan Kenobi – ed.) Tell me you killed him,” which concerns his father.

Why did we add “Luke” to our popular imagination? Maybe because it’s an iconic cinematic moment we’ve made it…more famous? After all, “Luke, I am your father” sounds better, so it’s hard to blame us.

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