The Highlanders and…Hitler?  Konrad Leckie: If “Biała Odwaga” proposes cooperation among the people of Podhale, we must respond.

SS and Gestapo emblems accompany Podhale's popular uniform. This is the content of the advertising poster announcing the release of the film “White Courage” in Polish cinemas next March. The production, as announced by the creators, will tell the story of Goralenvolk – a collaborative organization inspired by a German initiative. As the director of the film “Cursed” emphasized on, “White Courage” may – contrary to historical facts – present Goralienfolk as a group with broad support from the people of Podhali, and attack their good reputation.

The film will talk about Goralienfolk, or as they say, the betrayal of the highlanders who cooperated with the German occupiers, and now finally a film will reveal this truth (…). Disgraceful education continued? – Editor Lukas Karpel asked about Konrad Łęcki's production message.

– It's hard to comment on this movie before watching the entire movie, but you can draw some conclusions from the trailer and poster about the perspective it offers. – answered the “damned” director. – It is as is the case with the film Green Borders, that is, the film's popularity is based on the scandal and attacking values ​​that will have a response. This is a cynical move in my opinion. The manager added a comment to the promotional materials.

– I think this poster is a big scandal, because (…) we see elements of the traditional Highlander uniform mixed with a stylized shirt in a ratio of almost 1 to 1 on a Gestapo or SS sweatshirt, and the actor plays, as I understand it is one of the main roles, He also has an SS man's hat on his head. (…) The combination of the typical Polish style of the highlanders, which we clearly associate with our beloved highlanders, with something so vile (…) is a scandal to me, especially since the members of Goralenvolk – a completely marginal organization – did not wear clothes Never like this – Konrad Łęcki explained.

– On this jacket, on the sleeves, there is a badge that says “Goralischenlegion”. The cooperation formations that cooperated with the Germans during the war, and which created (…) SS divisions, had their corps names on these armbands. This suggests to the recipient the existence of such a collaborative formation. Well, as you well know, Poland was one of the few countries occupied by the Third Reich that did not have a collaborator formation fighting alongside the Nazis as part of the so-called Waffen-SS – Added by guest

– I consider that subjecting our highlanders to this (…) is a very cynical and unworthy step. If this film has the meaning that this poster suggests, it will be a huge scandal and I would encourage Highland organizations not to leave it that way, to fight back, and to take legal action, as this amounts to insulting a particular group – The manager announced.

As editor Lukas Karpel, who led the conversation, pointed out, the pictorial juxtaposition of the SS uniform with that of the Highlander may be an attempt to revise the image of the Bodhali people by associating a community previously associated with, among others, the faith and worship of John Paul II with accusations of Nazism.

The conversation also included a few words about where the money for White Courage came from. As Konrad Czeke pointed out, the previous government had ensured this…while he himself had many obstacles to bring high-quality national cinema to viewers.

“White Courage” – Will they turn the Highlanders into Nazis? Powerful conversation

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