The heads of the air forces of Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland signed a declaration on the formation of a joint air force

On Friday, the leaders of the air forces of Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland announced the signing of a declaration on the formation of a joint air force. These countries will have about 250 modern fighters at their disposal.

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The Ministry of National Defense confirmed that Dutch F-35 fighters stationed at Malbork Airport intercepted three Russian planes, …

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As stated in the statement, Doc The intention of the Scandinavian air commanders The signing took place at the US base in Ramstein, Germany, last week, in the presence of the NATO leadership. Nordic aviation integration will cover command, operational planning, airspace control and logistics, including airfield utilization, training and exercises.

The first joint operation of the air forces of four countries is scheduled to be presented in the winter of 2024 during NATO’s Cold Response exercises in Scandinavia.

The ultimate goal is to create a single force by developing the Nordic concept of combined air operations based on NATO methodology.

In the opinion of the commander of the Norwegian Air Force, General Rolf Voland, “Scandinavian military aviation will be a powerful force that will act as a deterrent.” – Of course, we can see that Russia has the will and ability to use military force against its neighbors, – emphasized General Volland.

Contract for 375 new F-35 fighters. It is worth about $30 billion

The US Department of Defense and the defense company Lockheed Martin have concluded a preliminary agreement for the supply over three years of 375 …

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According to Per Erik Soule, a defense expert at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs NUPI, the northern warplanes will have sufficient range “to be able to flexibly defend both the region and the adjacent sea basins against air attacks.”

The expert stated that the Nordic countries are modernizing their air forces. Denmark has purchased 27 modernized F-35 fighters, Finland – 64 of such aircraft, Norway – 52. – A total of 143 fifth-generation aircraft. The Nordic countries are a significant power by European standards, – Solli assessed.

Moreover, as he recalls, Sweden will bring 60 new Gripen E aircraft into service, while retaining 60 modernized Gripen C/D aircraft.

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# fighters

# air forces

# Scandinavia

# Denmark

# Sweden

# Finland

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