State budget 2024. Will there be no money for 800+ and pensions?  Tusk makes changes

The authorities are analyzing the state's financial situation before adopting the budget for next year. The expected deficit exceeding 200 billion zlotys calls into question the implementation of the benefits announced to citizens.

State budget 2024

Amending the state budget. The state treasury will be dealt with by the new ministers and Prime Minister Tusk at the first government meeting on Tuesday. Work on the draft budget law must proceed quickly, because the Prime Minister must submit the draft law to the President at the end of January. If this is delayed, the Prime Minister risks ending his rule, because in such a case the President has the right to call early elections. So the situation is dangerous. What makes the matter even more serious is the fact that the budget hole could reach PLN 200 billion. How is this possible? Calculations show that Mateusz Morawiecki left a hole in the state budget worth PLN 164 billion. Now it turns out that if Tusk and his ministers want to implement their pre-election promises, they will have to increase this deficit to at least PLN 200 billion. would it be possible? Will there really be enough money to fulfill election promises? Tusk government ministers have repeatedly stressed that what was given to citizens will not be taken from them. Therefore, the principal interest of 800 plus will be executed for sure. But what about comfort? What is the government's new plan for pensions, public sector salaries and minimum wages? What plans appear in the new state budget for 2024?

Tusk promises

Let's start with salaries. Tusk announced a 20% increase in the budget from January 2024. Education by 30 percent. The former cost about PLN 15 billion, while the latter cost another PLN 15 billion. To this should be added PLN 5 billion for state-paid holidays for small entrepreneurs and another PLN 5 billion for the extension of the zero VAT on food (this is the result of the PiS government). Tusk also boldly announced the introduction in 2024 of the so-called “grandmother's benefit”, that is, a subsidy of PLN 1,500 for mothers returning to work after giving birth to a child. The cost of this benefit is estimated at another 5 billion Polish zlotys. Also worth noting is the plan to implement a widow's pension in 2024, which is the leading electoral idea of ​​the left. The campaign also highlighted the double indexation of pensions. The proposals for youth also included a housing loan at 0% interest.

It is known that not everything will be included in the budget at once. It will be subject to multiple corrections. Those in power will certainly look for different sources to finance their ideas. But from the beginning it was already clear that they had a hard nut to crack.

Increasing the budget is not for everyone! Will the government ignore one group?

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PRL test.  Greatest Hits of the Polish People's Republic.  See if you remember how it went

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