Russia.  Residential building explosion on the island.  At least 9 people, including children, were killed  News from the world

The accident occurred in Timofskoye. Local authorities said there was an explosion GasBut the building was not connected to the gas system – it is suspected that a propane-butane gas cylinder exploded in one of the stairwells of the five-story block. The explosion completely destroyed the corner part of the building. 33 families lived in this part of the building. The search for the victims and the injured is underway.

Sakhalin Governor Valery Limarenko announced this population Temporary shelter in the building the hotel. Families whose homes were destroyed will receive compensation of 500 thousand. rubles (PLN 37.4 thousand), wounded – 400 thousand. rubles (less than 30 thousand PLN) and those who have lost a loved one – 1 million rubles (74.8 thousand PLN). All victims will receive $30,000 each. rubles (2.2 thousand PLN) for the most urgent needs.

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Sakhalin is an island in the Pacific Ocean. Over the years, Japanese and Russian have been alternating, and eventually finished World War II fell into the hands of the Soviet Union. The island is mainly inhabited by Russians and a small percentage of Koreans and Ukrainians. In the past, it was inhabited by indigenous tribes – Ainu, Newks and Evenks.

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