Pesa Bydgoszcz will deliver 20 trains to Romania

Romania still has a lot of work to do when it comes to refurbishing its vehicles. The Pesa vehicles will be Romanian Railways’ first modern trains in more than 20 years. What is equally important for us – these are the last contracts that we have to sign as part of the KPO railway package, and the necessary funds for all tasks have already been contracted – said the Romanian Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, Sorin Mihai Grindeanu, quoted in the release.

The Minister of Transport was present at the signing of the contract.

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Pesa will supply the trains to Romanian Railways

The head of the Railway Reform Agency, Stefan Adrian Rosano, emphasized that this is another important step towards the modernization of passenger rail transport. He added, “The agency is working to obtain additional funding sources for more investments in this safe and environmental means of transportation.”

The vehicles that we will deliver to Romanian Railways will be a development of the electric multiple units of the Pesa 654/655 family, which receives good reviews in the Czech Republic and is produced for the private Czech transport company RegioJet. This is another important step for us in building the company’s position as a supplier of modern and comfortable Intercity vehicles. “We want to deliver it, also in the HS version, to carriers that will operate connections within Via Baltica and to Southern Europe, in the entire Three Seas region,” Pesa President Krzysztof Zdziarski said in the statement.

Pesa will produce Inter-Regio vehicles for Romanian railways. These are three-section electric multiple units built on separate trolleys. Its speed reaches 160 km/h It has 192 seats in the first and second classes.

The agreement stipulates that Pesa will also provide vehicle maintenance services to ARF for a period of 15 years. For this purpose, the Polish company, in cooperation with the state-owned railway company CFR Calatori, will establish local service centers. In this regard, the company has already signed preliminary agreements with the two state-owned companies CFR Calatori and CFR SA.

Pesa has previously delivered vehicles to Romania

So far, Pesa has delivered trams to the Romanian market in the period 2012-2023. There are already 37 of them in the cities of Cluj, Iasi and Craiova. Currently, the Bydgoszcz-based company produces trams for Tallinn and vehicles for Czech CD and Regio Jet as well as Ghana’s railways, and in recent years, more than half of Pesa’s production has been exported.

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