“Oppenheimer” directed by Christopher Nolan starting March 21 on SkyShowtime

“Oppenheimer”A stunning thriller written and directed by Christopher Nolan shot in IMAX. It takes viewers on an exciting journey into the world of a mysterious scientist facing a contradictory decision: Is it worth risking the destruction of the world to save it?

Oppenheimer's film grossed $952 million in theaters worldwide to critical acclaim, earning 13 Academy Award nominations and 13 BAFTA nominations this year. The main role of J. Robert Oppenheimer was played by Oscar nominee Cillian Murphy, and Emily Blunt played his wife – biologist and botanist Catherine “Kitty” Oppenheimer. On March 21, the film will be available exclusively on SkyShowtime.

Oppenheimer's film, directed by Oscar nominee Christopher Nolan, was based on his screenplay. Viewers look inside the mind of theoretical physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer, who, as director of the Los Alamos Laboratory established as part of the Manhattan Project, led the pioneering project to build the first atomic bomb. “Oppenheimer” is a great cinematic feast with an excellent cast. In addition to Murphy and Blunt, the film also stars Academy Award winner Matt Damon, Academy Award nominee Robert Downey Jr., Academy Award nominees Florence Pugh, Josh Hartnett, and Oscar winners Casey Affleck, Rami Malek, and Kenneth Branagh.

The production is based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning book “An American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of Robert Oppenheimer” by Kay Byrd and the late Martin J. Sherwin.

The 2024 BAFTA Awards winners will be announced on February 18, and the Oscar winners on March 10.

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