“On our own. A start.”  Adam Bobek as the new Pawlak delighted the audience!  What do we know about the actor?  look at the pictures!

Comedy “On our own. “The Beginning” is one of the most popular titles of 2024. The famous role of Pawlak was played by the young actor Adam Bobek. What do we know about him? How did he feel playing this iconic role? Look!


The film “On Our Own. The Beginning” takes viewers into the childhood and youth of the beloved heroes: Pawlak and Kargol, known to several generations of Poles. We learn about the events that took place before the quarreling neighbors moved to the new post-war Poland. This chapter of the story was supposed to be written First, but the political conditions for years were not conducive to this. The sixties. – No one will allow the production of a film that depicts the sister Soviet nation in a negative and somewhat cynical manner – Thomas Kupski, the film's producer, admitted in one of the conversations.

He is the author of the screenplay for the film “Sami Soy. The Beginning” (based on the book “Everyone lives the best they can”), like all other parts of the epic Andrei Mularczyk. When creating it, it was inspired by real events and his family history – the prototype of Kazimierz Pawlak's character was his uncle.

I want it to be a completely new, universal story about us as we are every day, with all our advantages and disadvantages. No matter where we live! – Artur Żmijewski, who made his directorial debut, admitted this title, in an interview.

The role of Kargol is played by Karol Dziuba, and screen appearances include: Polina Galuszka, Jeronica Homai, Zbigniew Szamachowski, Katarzyna Krzanowska, Miroslav Baka, Wojtek Malajkat, Anna Demna, Janusz Špior and Adam Ferenczi. Adam Bobek played the famous Kazimierz Pawlak.

Adam Bobek, born 18 November 1988 in Hajnuka, is a Polish television, film and theater actor, known among others as Maciek Kowal in the series “Na dobre i na evil” on TVP2. As he admitted in an interview with Wyborcza, it was Maciek Kowal's role in the series that allowed him to devote himself entirely to acting and give up odd jobs. Previously, he had worked, among other things, as a telemarketer, and his exam for the Theater Academy in Warsaw was… bad. – The committee decided that I was not suitable and I was thanked after the first stage – he admitted in an interview with Wyborcza. But, as he admits, despite his desire to give up, his loved ones did not allow him to do so, and they supported him at every stage of achieving his dreams. – My mother asked me to try out for the Warsaw Film School. I was skeptical. I was afraid they took too much money and nothing happened. I took the exam and entered. The plan was: I would do some acting so I could try out for public school again next year. But I found a great lecturer, Ella Sloboda. I fell in love with what she suggested in the classes and stayed – He admitted in the interview.

However, this is one of many productions in which he has appeared. He played, among others, Kamil in the film “The Chosen One”, a policeman in the series “Don’t Worry About Me”, a hooligan in the series “Przybadki Cesare B”, a football player in the series “Agata’s Law”, a criminal in the movie “Planet of Individuals”, Przemek in the series “Firefighters”, the butler in the series “Bodo”, an orphan in the series “Ultraviolet Rays”, a suicide in the series “For the sake of dreams”, Sinek's man in the series “Wataha”, Alka in the series “Doctors of the Beginning”, Pablo in the series “Commissioner Alex”, the policeman in the movie “Bokot”, the monk Wojciech in the series “Corona Krolov”, the young man in the movie “Utsajdir” and the Croatian man in the movie “Julius”. In 2016, he was honored with the Piotr Łazarkiewicz Award for Young Talent at the Polish Film Festival in Los Angeles for his role in the short film “Little Finger” directed by Tomasz Cziczow.

Adam Bobek also played the role of Kazimierz Pawlak in the movie “Sami swoi”. “The beginning”, for many, a position and a cult figure. Was he afraid to confront the legend? While reading the script, I had no such thoughts, only later I started to panic: “Damn, we're really going to make a cult film.” I even thought it couldn't work. But I thought to myself, “Okay, if something like this happens in my life, I have to deal with it.” Later, during filming, I didn't have time to analyze it. I was focused and excited to play, play, play and be fearless – he recalls in an interview with the People's Action Party. His role as Pawlak, a younger version of the character created by Wacław Kowalski, was warmly received by the audience. He himself made no secret of the fact that he derived much from the original text.

I did my best, because it would be a sin not to take advantage of a role as great as Wacław Kowalski. I think such an approach would be very tasteful on my part: “No, I won't take inspiration from Kowalski, I won't take inspiration from him, because I'll do it my own way.” When someone does something great, you have to draw from it, so I listened to how he talked, I watched how he moved, how he reacted, I noticed his nervous nature, his feistiness, his mood, the way he moved, his famous steps, because he was basically running all the time. In fact, it was all important and inspiring to me – Bobic admitted in an interview with the PAP program, admitting that the most difficult thing for him was to capture… the way of laughing.

We're keeping our fingers crossed for more projects!

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