Aleksandr Gowor przejmie wszystkie restauracje McDonald’s w Rosji – informuje Reuters. Amerykańska sieć ogłosiła ostatnio, że opuszcza Rosję i sprzeda swoje lokale w kraju w związku z inwazją na Ukrainę. Restauracje będą działać pod nową nazwą.

Alexander Gower will take over all McDonald’s restaurants in Russia, according to Reuters. The American chain recently announced that it will leave Russia and sell its buildings in the country in connection with the invasion of Ukraine. The restaurants will operate under the new name.

McDonald’s announced today, Monday, its final withdrawal from Russia in light of the country’s aggression against Ukraine. Alexander Gower, who runs the franchise through his company GiD LLC, is set to take charge of the restaurants. He’s been a licensed McDonald’s since 2015 and has helped a burger chain expanding into remote Siberia, where it operates 25 restaurants.

McDonald’s and GiD declined to disclose the financial terms of the deal.

According to Bild, the deal should be approved by the authorities and completed within a few weeks. Gaur agreed To hire Russian McDonald’s employees for at least two years. The crew will operate under the same conditions offered by the US network. It also agreed to pay the employees’ wages until the transaction was completed.

Russian Industry and Trade Minister Denis Manturov said the deal was the result of a “long and difficult” negotiation process and that the government would provide Gofour with all the assistance needed to start the process.

The McDonald’s restaurant chain suspended operations in March and closed about 850 buildings in Russia, while ensuring it continued to pay the salaries of 62,000 Russian workers. The company has now announced that, after more than 32 years in Russia, it is completely abandoning its business in this country.

McDonald’s explains its decision to leave the Russian market with the humanitarian crisis caused by the war in Ukraine. The company argues that Doing business in Russia “is no longer possible and does not correspond to McDonald’s values.

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