“Martin Mad Live”: “I’m a Present Mad” – Julie Le Breton

Julie Le Breton expressed some confidence about her relationship with maternity during her visit on Thursday evening. Martin is matte and direct.

The actress shared screen space with the comedian in the series Beautiful discomfortsAmong other things she spoke about the grief of motherhood that she had to face at one point in her life.

“Life took me on a different path,” he first noted, requiring a certain “deprogramming” of society-imposed indoctrination.

“It’s like I can’t imagine being a full woman without kids, which is not the case. At some point, it’s just deprogramming. You get to the other side of isolation, where biologically, it becomes a little bit more difficult… even in terms of energy,” she said. He said.

“I am happy. I am healthy and surrounded by people I love, including many children I love. I am truly a present aunt! I’m a mother!” she added candidly.

“Now, [le fait de ne pas avoir d’enfant] This is for exam or medical reasons. We also got to the point where we were trying to have kids later, and we didn’t know that it could be complicated, that there could be difficulties,” the actress we see continued this season. A criminal case.

Beautiful discomforts 3.0?

Before returning Beautiful discomfortIn 2021, Julie Le Breton suggested that Martin come up with a new season every five years to follow the evolution of his fictional family on the small screen.

On Thursday evening, the crowd at the Espace St-Denis greeted the news warmly, much to the delight of the crowd.

A group of Martin is matte and direct He had prepared a video for the occasion recalling some of the laughs the cast had during the last season’s shoot, which was filmed in the heart of Covid.

New segment and quality time with Pierre Brassard

Tired of being asked if she’s in a relationship for fear of receiving unsolicited messages on social networks, Julie Le Breton received a love song from Appentiques, Jean-Francois Provençal and Julien Corrivé.

The actress performed a teleprompter sketch and also inaugurated a new game segment on the show.

Martin Matt, for his part, brought his friend Pierre Brassard horseback riding to relax and have a good time with him.

Martin is matte and direct Aired every Thursday at 8pm on TVA. Mike Ward will be a guest next week.

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