Małgorzata Foremniak celebrates her birthday with a new partner.  He’s a famous director

Majorzata Formniac He was in a new relationship for several months. Her partner is director Pawe Jodłowski. They were united by a common passion for cinema and theater. They met a few years ago. Bowie was the director of the musical “Chopin Must Die”, which was performed at the London Theatre. Małgorzata Foremniak played one of the roles in it. The couple appeared together in 2020 at the movie premiere “suicide hall. HatterThey were seen together at the film festival in Gdynia again. As it turned out, Bowie Gudovsky was supposed to take a birthday trip for the actress to Iceland.

Małgorzata Foremniak has many relationships behind her. In 2005, she was subjected to a great tragedy when her first husband died in an accident Tomasz Jędruszczak. He was the father of the actress’ daughter Alexandra. For the second time, Furmniak married director Valdemar Dzeki. The couple adopted two children – Melina and Patrick. At one point he was loud about the actress’s romantic relationship Rafai Misrak. Małgorzata Foremniak performed with him a dance show Dancing with the stars“Feelings of a partner under the age of 17 have not survived the test of time. The couple broke up in 2009. Two years later, the star divorced her second husband.

In turn, Pawe Jodłowski was associated with They have a Hirsch. The actress played one of the main roles in Jodłowski’s film “DJ”, which premiered in 2017.

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