Long weekend weather.  Heat is coming to Poland.  Where will you be the hottest?  Synoptic talk about “madness”

At the end of the long weekend in June, hot air will be pouring into Poland. On Sunday, the temperature can reach 34 degrees Celsius. – A hot wedge will form, stretching from Morocco, through Spain, France, Germany, Poland, to Belarus and Lithuania – Synoptic scientist tvnmeteo.pl Arleta Unton-Pyziołek tells us. Check the latest weather forecast.

Over the weekend, “a specific system of lowlands will be created over Europe, which will help to suck hot air from North Africa,” explains Arlet Uton-Pyziołek, synoptician tvnmeteo.pl. One of these vortices will be centered over western France on Saturday, and the other will be centered over the North Atlantic on Saturday.

The largest hot flashes on the continent are expected in the coming days in Spain, France and Germany. There is already a heat wave in Spain, which local meteorologists identified as the earliest in 40 years. The temperature in the Iberian Peninsula exceeds 40 ° C in the shade.

Hot air on Saturday afternoons and Sundays flows into Poland from the west. Onton Bezyuchek announced that a hot wedge would form, extending from Morocco, through Spain, France, Germany, and Poland, to Belarus and Lithuania.

Hot long weekend in Poland

On Sunday, over western Poland, the temperature at 1.5 km altitude will be around 20°C in peak parts of Karkonosze it will be 18°C, and on Monday it can be 21°C. Synoptic stress, it is rare for the temperature to reach these levels at an altitude of about 1600 m above sea level.

– That would be crazy. He noted that if it is very warm in the higher parts of the mountains, the temperature in the lowlands may be 10 to 15 degrees Celsius higher. – In light of the calculations of meteorological models today, the temperature in the west of the country will exceed 30 degrees on Saturday, and on Sunday it may reach 32-34 degrees. These values ​​should be expected in the Lower Silesian region and the Luboski region. Synoptic adds that the probability of such a situation is increasing every day. On Wednesday it was about 70 percent, and the day before it was about 60 percent.

The expected temperature on Sunday was at an altitude of 1.5 kmwetter3.de

The expected maximum temperature on Sunday at a height of 2 mwetter3.de

Synoptic: After intense heat and severe storms

After days of heat, they will come to our country stormsHe is violent. – Always after such heat in our climatic conditions, a cold front with storms and such a front enters Poland on Sunday – announces Unton-Pyziołek.

On Monday, there will be a strong clash between the two air masses. So we’ll have severe storms after the sweltering heat, he warns.

Main image source: shutterstock / wetter3.de

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