Kanye West was legally nicknamed “Yeh”

(New York) Formerly known as Kanye West, the artist is now officially known as “Yeh”.

A Los Angeles judge who accepted the 44-year-old rapper’s request, without the “ye” short, last name or middle name, confirmed to AFP, a city court spokesman, on Monday.

The artist put forward his claim at the end of August citing “personal reasons”.

When she divorced American reality TV star Kim Kardashian, she wanted to change her entire marital status – Kanye Omari West – to the “long” nickname “Ye”, thus drawing a solid castle under her last name.

The rapper released an album in 2018 Yes.

This summer, after a long delay, the rapper released a two-hour, 27-track album தொண்டாFirst name of his mother who died in 2007.

You may be one of the most famous rappers in the world, but his bipolar disorder and high division have recently obscured his works.

According to several American media outlets, citing sources close to the couple, Kanye West’s candidacy for the US presidency last year may have been one of the triggers for the division.

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