Free drinks, fierce battles and Geralt from The Witcher as the master of the estate.  Manor Lords mods appear like mushrooms after rain

18 Bit 2024, 12:52

Although it’s only been a few weeks since Manor Lords debuted in Early Access, players have already created a large number of modifications to the successful Polish strategy. Some of them are really original.

Image source: Hooded Horse / CD Projekt Red.


Have you ever wondered what Geralt’s life would be like if he gave up his profession as a wizard and decided to build his own village with the money he earned from killing monsters? If so, then the answer to this question is provided by one of the mods for Manor Lords. a job A certain player replaces the character of the original ruler in the game with the hero of the third part of CD Projekt RED’s successful series.

Staying in the “Swap” spirit, it’s worth noting the mode that adds… a partner to the game. So, if you want to feel like a big green ogre, you can find the necessary downloads below connection.

Interestingly, even since the premiere Manor Lords It’s been less than a month since Early Access on Steam (the game debuted on April 26), and there are already plenty of similar mods out there. At the time of writing, their number is on the page Nexus modification It is as much as 155.

Of course, not all of them focus on visual issues. Many mods offer changes to the quality of gameplay. The work of one of the creators titled Jesus but technology This means that players do not need malt to prepare beer. This, in turn, significantly improves the golden drink production process. The description of the modification suggests that perhaps in the future churches will be able to produce beer, something they were famous for in the Middle Ages.

Jesus Ale Tech is a mod that makes the game easier, but there are also some mods that make the game more difficult. If you are one of the more hardcore players, you should be interested Adaptive BanditAn amendment removes restrictions on the number of raids on our property. As its creator explains, “The frequency of bandit raids now increases depending on your total wealth and the total number of units available.”

Other “more serious” modifications that deserve attention include: Unofficial Manor Lords balance correction, which, as the name suggests, offers adjustments to the game balance. Moreover, the situation looks interesting Opening militia borders Allowing you to recruit more militia units.

Interestingly, despite such a wide range of mods, most players don’t seem to use them. In one of the subtopics Manor Lords Until noon poll Check which part of the fan community are the people who use mods in the game Grzegorz Stycznia. So far, 207 people have participated in the study, of which up to 175 reported that they do not use external modifications.

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