Everspace 2 in Polish after the first Stinger update

first three announce For this year’s big game updates Everspace 2 It really is Available. Plus an additional light fighter class, new ship modules, and debug missions first time stinger He presents Significant changes to the crafting system and the way resources are managed. And this is only part of the content of this “patch” – discussed in more detail in the trailer below.

One of the most important developments – at least from the perspective of local players – is Addition of a preliminary version of the game’s Polish subtitles (subtitles). The creators assure they did their best to make sure it was as correct as possible, but with a project of size Everspace 2 Translation errors are hard to avoid, so ask the community to report them. By the way, the developer bragged about it We have permission to use quotes in our version of Stanislaw Lim’s novel Cyberiad.

If you are always aware of the messages responsible for Everspace 2 Rockfish Games Studios, you will surely remember that the first update was scheduled to be called this year Rogue debutnot first time stinger. In the end, it was changed, because one of the most important things it offers is a new class of ships – the title Stingers.

This, of course, is not all the changes we made Everspace 2 Provides an update first time stinger. You will read the full list of them here.

Finally, there is another point worth mentioning. Most of the things I described above went to both the paid Early Access game and the Free trial version. The latter you will find, among others on Steam.

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