End of 500 plus.  The last of these payments

From the beginning of the new year, according to the regulations that will come into force on January 1, the amount of child care allowance will increase. Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) instead of its predecessors 500 PLN, he will pay 800 PLN per month. This is the last month with an additional 500 payments – a reminder of the daily ‘truth’.

The key is that the right to receive this amount of benefit applies to every child, regardless of the family’s income level.

While working on the new regulations, various proposals emerged. Polish People’s Party (PSL), for example, proposed paying only PLN 800 to working parents, according to daily notes.

800+ requests?

Is it necessary to apply for a higher benefit called 800 Plus? The answer is no. Parents who are already using the feature can be assured of payments until May 30, 2024. ZUS will automatically increase the amount of payments.

It is worth noting that the benefits (only the current 500 plus is paid into a bank account or at the Savings and Credit Union) are provided monthly, on ten fixed dates. These days are: 2, 4, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22 of every month.

However, the December calendar is a bit confusing regarding dates. For example, December 2 is a Saturday, which means the payment will be transferred to your account the day before. Likewise, families who previously received remittances on the 9th and 16th of the month will also receive the benefit early. In December, these days fall on Saturdays, so payouts should arrive in your account a day early.

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