Denmark declares that the epidemic is under control

The inclusion of COVID-19 as a serious disease of society has allowed the Danish government to impose restrictions. They are still concerned about the number of people allowed to participate in large events, restrictions on the work of nightclubs and discos and the need to present a Covid passport, for example, when entering a cinema or restaurant.

However, the government decided that from September 10 the coronavirus would no longer be a “socially dangerous disease” and agreed to ease most restrictions. – Danish Health Minister Magnus Heinick reported, but Heinick made it clear that the country had not recovered from the disease. pandemic and that the government will not hesitate to move quickly and restore restrictions if the coronavirus threatens important functions in society again.

The Ministry of Health has announced that with the suspension of the COVID-19 classification, some provisions of the Epidemiological Law that established the restrictions will not apply. It was decided that from September 10 it will be possible to enter a restaurant, hair salon or nightclub without showing a Covid passport. Exemptions from submitting documents will also apply to tourists. Danish media reported that restrictions limiting the number of participants in public events such as concerts or sporting events may no longer be in effect from October 1.

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Denmark has one of the highest vaccination rates in the world. According to data from the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, 74.9 percent of the population have been vaccinated with a single dose and 70.2 percent with two doses. In the last two weeks, Denmark had an infection rate of 232.18 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

Iwa Wesoka

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