Christine Beaulieu is in mourning

Christine BeaulieuA lot of television and cinematography projects are going through tough times right now.

On her Instagram page, the actress shared a touching message expressing her grief for her mother, who passed away on March 4.

“Last Monday, March 4, early in the morning, our mother breathed her last. We were by her side, her 4 daughters and her husband. This moment will be etched in my heart forever. Mom was a magical person, she knew how to be happy, she loved life deeply, she loved what she had and never envied what she didn't have. She is smart, cheerful, enthusiastic, festive, funny, open, honest, loving… In front of her, with her, I was always in touch with the most important things. She left early. I miss her already. In this photo, she makes a snow angel to make her grandchildren smile. Many of you loved him. Let the sound of his laughter emanate from this image and nurture your memories,” Christine testifies emotionally.

Many messages of support were sent to her during this particularly difficult period, especially from her audience, especially from people like Guy A. Lepage, Mélanie Maynard and Emi Chicoine.

We send our condolences to Christine and her family.

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