Anna Windzikowska advises how to distance yourself from toxic relationships: ‘You should focus on yourself’

Anna Wendzikowska He belongs to the group of celebrities who like to show their private life on the Internet. The journalist is active on Instagram, eagerly writing about daily activities or heavenly holidays. Wendzikowska occasionally brings up slightly more personal topics online. A celebrity sometimes tells stories About the facts of single motherhood. However, recently revealed it Do not maintain contact with parents.

Wednesday Anna Wendzikowska She appeared in the Polish premiere of the latest James Bond film. Reporter Pudelka spoke to the reporter Michai Dzidzic.

See also: Anna Wendzikowska advises how to distance yourself from toxic relationships

Wendzikowska has opened up to the camera about toxic relationships. According to celebrities, the way to free yourself from them is to take care of your own needs.

(…) I think you should focus more on yourself. Have a good relationship with yourself, know and choose what serves us. Then it is not necessary to make such sudden movements revealed to Bodelik.


As Wendzikowska mentioned, people tend to attract similar individuals. That is why it is so important to live in harmony with yourself and take care of your well-being. Then, in Anya’s opinion, we will avoid toxic relationships in our lives.

The most important thing is to make sure that we ourselves are positive, cool, kind to others, and good. Only then will it become clear that there is nothing to be done. Suddenly, everyone around us is like us, and suddenly we don’t have toxic people around us I explained.

Find out what Anna Wendzikowska also revealed to us.


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