Aishwarya Rai Bachchan: sex symbol?  He is afraid to appear in kissing scenes

In 1994 Aishwarya Rai She took second place (losing to Sushmita Sen) in India’s Most Beautiful Woman contest. A few months later, she was like no other and she was the one wearing the Miss World crown. Then she decided to leave her studies in architecture and soon started acting in films.

Her first film was “Iruvar” (1997), but her real fame came five years later with the film “Devdas” in which she starred alongside Bollywood’s biggest star – Shah Rukh Khan.

Devdas was the first commercial Indian production to screen at Cannes, and Aishwarya’s role was so popular on the French Riviera that a year later she was invited to join the jury awarding the Palme d’Or. At the same time, the artist continued her artistic career, playing, among other things, in the Bollywood version of the film “Pride and Prejudice” (2003).

Since the actress has many years of classical dance training, she is excellent at performing roles that require this kind of skill in Bollywood productions. However, he is not afraid of challenges and takes on roles such as: in action films such as “Dhoom 2”, where she played the lead role alongside the handsome actor Hrithik Roshan.

Every month, several thousand netizens search for… Pictures of the star’s green eyes. The actress decided to donate them for transplantation after her death. “I want to help and promote modern medicine through propaganda,” explains Aishwara, who married A in 2007.Bhishek Bachana – Working together on the set of “Guru” brought them closer. Thanks to this, they became the most popular couple in Bollywood, the Indian equivalent of Brangelina’s celebrity status.

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