Quantum entanglement at your fingertips.  The designed device is unimaginably thin

Details on this topic are available on the pages Sciences, describes a compact device that can be used, among other things, to perform calculations or encode information. Quantum entanglement helps protect quantum information and correct errors in quantum computation. The latter could revolutionize a number of areas such as science, finance and national security in the future. Besides, thanks to interlacing, it is also possible to introduce advanced encryption, which increases the security of the connection.

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But what is quantum entanglement anyway? Simply put, it is a state where the photons are so interconnected that interactions on one are also reflected in the behavior of the other. This happens regardless of the distance between them. With the device in question, it can be much easier to cause this phenomenon – also in terms of the number of devices involved. The new tool is miniature, a hundred times thinner than a sheet of paper.

A cornerstone of the success is a beam of light passing through an ultra-thin glass sample covered with nanostructures made of gallium arsenide – a commonly used semiconductor. Several pairs of entangled photons can be produced in this way, and some of them may turn out to be indistinguishable. For some technologies, these variables are essential for maintaining advanced information processing patterns.

Quantum entanglement can be used, for example, to encode information

Until now, obtaining quantum entanglement at a similar scale has only been possible with the participation of chambers filled with lasers, specialized crystals and other optical devices. Now it can be replaced in no time. However, the potential disadvantages include unsatisfactory performance, which is lower than that of other technologies. Therefore, it will be necessary to make some adjustments.

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Synthetic materials that interact with light and other electromagnetic waves in a way inaccessible to conventional materials are a tasty morsel because they take up less space and can interact with light in many other ways. Thanks to recent developments in this field, this material can be developed not only as a new type of lens, but also in the form of quantum information processing technology.

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