What gaming computer should I buy?  Recommended PCs for January 2024. Ready-made configurations at different prices

What gaming computer should I buy?  Recommended PCs for January 2024. Ready-made configurations at different pricesWhat computer should I buy for gaming? Which processor should I choose? Which graphics cards are best? Similar questions flood Internet forums because the situation on the components market can change quickly and it is difficult to keep up with innovations that turn previous concepts upside down. Before purchasing a computer, the future user faces serious problems that are closely related to money, which should be a strong motivation to search for the best solutions. That's why the following guide was created with recommended computers. Using our experience and test database, we have created optically transparent and intrinsically optimized configurations that are a good starting point when assembling a PC.

Author: Sebastian Oktaba

The publication was created mainly for non-advanced users who have basic knowledge of computer assembly and who need professional advice on which equipment to choose for a certain amount. Regular forum visitors and avid readers of articles on the PurePC site will likely be able to pick out the best components themselves, but even then, it's helpful to see if user suggestions are reflected in our editors' picks. If very similar configurations are recommended at both places, you can optimistically assume that you won't find a better PC right now. Of course, the combinations are selected optimally and are focused primarily on the price-performance ratio, but we are not at all aimed at achieving maximum savings. If a slightly more expensive component is better or covered by a longer warranty, we would definitely recommend this solution. Quality and reliability are very important features.

Are you wondering what computer to buy? A guide with recommended configurations should help you make the right decision.

What gaming computer should I buy?  Recommended PCs for September 2023. Ready-made configurations at different prices [nc1]

The basic configuration in the kits proposed by PurePC consists only of the basic components, i.e. processor, motherboard, RAM, graphics card, power supply, disks and perhaps an additional cooling system. In this case, the price of the computer case was not taken into account, mainly due to the very diverse tastes of readers and a very wide range of manufacturers' offers. However, we have prepared suggestions for this item – the basket contains only the basic ingredients, while the boxes have a separate thematic section. In addition, peripherals and displays have their own categories, where you can check recommended models and choose the one that is closest to your individual preferences. Before you start shopping, be sure to also visit our hardware section, where you'll find tests for most of the components recommended in the guide.

Although we are a site that devotes a lot of attention to overclocking, we strongly discourage such practices. In recent years, the overclocking potential of processors and graphics cards has decreased significantly, so the benefits of overclocking are unfortunately less. It should also be clearly noted that a lot depends on the user's skills, design and equipment, so we simply cannot promise anything for sure. In the case of Intel processors, only some models with an unlocked multiplier allow free overclocking, which of course plays an important role in the entire platform building process. Please also keep in mind that not very successful overclocking attempts may lead to damage to the device, and the person performing such activities is always responsible for the effects of incorrectly changing parameters. Therefore, the proposed configurations focus more on getting specific performance out of the box, rather than tinkering to improve performance.

We group our collections based on the offer of the online store morele.netHowever, the post is completely original and independent. The store is just a product base, and we've committed to replenishing it as quickly as possible and maintaining competitive prices on our editors' chosen ingredients. We've been creating recommended PCs since 2008 with the efforts of our entire editorial team, but we're always happy to hear reader feedback and comments – after all, the list is directed to you. We realize that it is impossible to please everyone, because subjectivity is a very human trait, but we will try to adapt the publication to the expectations of the majority. The proposed formations are a starting point, designed according to the budget approved above, but this does not end the matter. A new edition of the collections always appears on the first of the month and is fully updated after two weeks, as prices and product availability may change significantly. Under almost every component, we also include an alternative similar in performance and price, which you can choose without worrying about the quality of the computer.

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