Well-known director on two universes.  “I was looking for a city with hidden charm”

Konin’s audience watched the premiere of Michał Kwieciński’s film “Philip”. The director also made reference to the months he spent in Konin shooting the “extras”.

After showing the latest production, Zdzisław Siwik of AKF Muza asked the author about the inspiration from Leopold Tyrmand’s novel, working on the set with an international cast, and why were some parts of the youth version cut out? One thing is for sure, a powerful film about identity and humanity was made in times of war. – It is not easy, but it is not difficult either. It’s dramatic, but not sad – said the director before the performance. – I wanted to look at the war from a different perspective. An anti-heroism image emerged. I wondered what would I do in such an inhumane situation?

“Filip” has already become a discovery of the recent festival in Gdynia, where it won the Silver Lions, and the lead artist, Eryk Kulm Jr., won the prize. (Filip), Zbyszek CybulskiAnd For actors who stand out for their individuality. It will hit theaters on March 3. The director’s plans include a film about Chopin and a TV series Moth Hunting.

Michal Koczynski’s visit was also an opportunity to talk about the past and the movie “Extras”. I was looking for a city that has an underlying charm, imperfect but has charm – said the well-known director and producer about Konen. He revealed more impressions from the “period” of Konen’s film during a short conversation with LM.pl.

picture. Marcin Oliński KDK

Video: Adam Jaronski

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