Wall Street: Elon Musk is the first billionaire in the history of the world

Elon Musk’s net worth is currently estimated at $275 billion. However, Wall Street financiers believe that this amount will not mean anything to what he will gain from the development of SpaceX. Insight is to become The world’s first billionaire. Experts are sure that the head of SpaceX and many successful companies will achieve this only in the next two years. He already has an 80 billion advantage over the second richest man on earth, i.e. Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon.

Experts make it clear that although the rest of the billionaires will acquire more and more wealth, they have no chance of increasing it as quickly as Musk. South Africa’s vision is to increase wealth with SpaceX. In the following years and decades, humanity will focus on expanding orbital facilities, space tourism, Colonize alien worlds and explore the solar system.

Wall Street specifications recognized Musk every year Her wealth increases by 129 percent. This means that next year he will have more than $500 billion in assets, and in 2024 he will be the first person in history to officially break the magic limit of $1 trillion.

Musk’s fortune has shown an annual growth rate of 129 percent since 2017, with the possibility of entering the billionaire club in just two years, reaching a net worth of $1.38 trillion by 2024 at the age of 52.

SpaceX already has the world’s most advanced space technology, and it will be up and running in two years The most powerful teleportation system called Starship. Thanks to him and the tasks performed, the value of the company will increase by hundreds of billions of dollars, some of which will become the property of Mask.

Not only will SpaceX help him accumulate wealth for more investments. The fast-growing Tesla plans to launch a sports car called the Roadster, a semi-truck, on the market. From the first Cybertruck Or the long-awaited electrolytic capacitor for the fans. New cars will add value to Tesla while it fills Musk’s wallet with dollars.

It doesn’t look worse than that Boring Company or Neuralink. The first in Las Vegas has already shown that underground tunnels are the future of urban transportation. Meanwhile, Neuralink is conducting successful trials with the world’s first functional brain-computer interface that will improve the quality of life for paralyzed people, increase our intellectual abilities and ultimately connect us to robots. His massive investments in cryptocurrencies will also contribute to this.

In Bloomberg’s latest billionaires chart, Musk ranked first with $275 billion. He is in second place Jeff Bezos with $194 billion. Fourth: Bill Gates, who raised $134 billion, and Warren Buffett, who raised $130 billion, and Warren Buffett, who raised $130 billion.

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