Ukraine.  Does Belarus attack Ukraine?  Information about the Belarusians who agreed to participate in the war

Deputy Head of the Executive Department of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, General Oleksiy Hromov, announced on Thursday that about 13 thousand Belarusian soldiers and military personnel have signed the consent to participate in the war against Ukraine. He added that representatives of other countries are also present at Belarusian training grounds.

– Along the state border with Ukraine Six battalions of the Armed Forces of the Republic have been deployed Belarus. According to our data Russia The attempt to actively engage Belarus in the war with Ukraine does not stop trying to actively involve Belarus in the war with Ukraine, General Oleksiy Harumov, Deputy Head of the Executive Department of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, said Thursday.

– According to our information, about 13,000 people among the active and former Belarusian soldiers and OMON officers agreed to take part in the war – added Hromov at a press conference.

Belarusian Army STR / PAP / EPA

Fear and money are the main factors

The Ukrainian general added that there are also representatives of other countries at the Belarusian training grounds. – on August 3, the first soldiers of the Russian Federation arrived at the airport of the Minsk region, VietnamUzbekistan, Cameroon, TajikistanHe reported on Syria, Laos and Mali.

– On August 8, a unit of the Higher School of Airborne Forces was seen in Ryazan. Deputy Head of the Main Executive Department of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine noted that these activities are aimed at demonstrating the so-called international cooperation of the aggressor.

According to him, the main motive of the occupation soldiers is the material and financial motive, and there are no ideological motives in it. – Nobody believes in “de-Nazification” and the protection of the rights of the Russian-speaking population. The general emphasized that fear and money were the main factors of Russia’s military presence.

Main image source: STR / PAP / EPA

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