Power outages in Ukraine.  Half of the electricity networks are disrupted as a result of the Russian attacks |  world News

The head of the Ukrainian office is briefed on the scale of damage caused by the Russian attacks Government Dennis Schmihal. As he pointed out, the Russians are fighting against civilians and bombing critical infrastructure.

“Unfortunately, Russia continues to launch missile attacks on vital civilian infrastructure in Ukraine, waging war on civilians and leaving them without electricity, water, heat and communications in winter,” the agency quoted Shmyhal as saying. ukrinform.

The Ukrainian Prime Minister confirmed that on November 15 alone, Russia launched nearly 100 missiles at cities, as a result of which almost half of Ukraine’s energy system stopped working. So he added Ukraine It needs additional support from European partners in the form of supplies of equipment, but also in financing.

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After Thursday’s bombing, it’s about 40 percent. Ukrainians were deprived of electricity supplies. Despite initial repairs, unusual blackouts occurred in many cities. This is necessary to balance the energy transmission system.

The Ukrainians in the south expanded the range of their artillery fire

Thanks Ukrainians editing Kherson Significantly expanded the firing range of its artillery. They could now fire at important strategic points for the Russians, connecting the Kherson region on the left bank, for example. with Crimea. According to experts, this significantly worsens the position of the Russian forces before another possible Ukrainian offensive.

The Ukrainian bombing of the Dnieper crossings, which had been carried out for many weeks using Western equipment, led to the withdrawal of the Russians from Kherson a week earlier. At the moment, according to military expert Serhiy Kozan, the Ukrainian army can repeat these bombings, but much more.

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Artillery could reach the Perekopsky Isthmus from the Crimea. This is the main supply route for the South Russian grouping. Serhiy Kozan noted that if he is Ukrainian army It will also establish fire control on the railway roads of the Volnovakia region, as well as road roads in the Melitopol region, which will close the supply routes for the Russians.

If this happens, according to the expert, the entire grouping of Russian forces in the Kherson, Zaporizhia and partly Donetsk regions will be in the same position as the Russians recently on the right bank of the Dnieper. At the same time, according to data published by British intelligence, the Russian army is drilling, among other things. near the border With Crimea, which may indicate that the leaders are afraid of the advance of the Ukrainian offensive.

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