Trade ban stamp.  Stores are no longer postal points

Goes into effect on Tuesday, February 1st Amending the Trade Restriction Law Sundays and public holidays limit bypassing the ban by networks that have signed contracts with courier and postal companies, Enable parcel receipt at your facility.

As reported by Wiadomoś It is the first supermarket chain to terminate an agency agreement to run a post office. This decision was announced by the technology company Pointpack, which offers stores, among other things, the implementation of the service of sending and collecting parcels.

See also: Sunday trading ban. “We work according to the law and do not bypass it and do not look for gates”

However, it has not been determined exactly which chain of stores it was. “The brief announcement revealed that the notice period is three months, and in 2021 the volume of shipments executed on the basis of the expired contract did not exceed 0.3% of the total volume of shipments handled by Pointpack” – we read.

Trade Ban Seal

According to the short story, v Non-commercial supermarkets on Sundays Employing employees will not be able to act under the pretext of providing postal services, If the revenue from this activity is less than 40 per cent. Sales proceeds of a particular facility.

The amendment introduces the term “dominant activity”, which means the type of prevalent activity indicated in the application for entry in the official national register of entities of the national economy, if this activity is carried out in a particular commercial enterprise and constitutes at least 40 percent. Monthly income from retail sales.

The law on the gradual ban on Sunday trading came into effect on March 1, 2018. There is also an index of 32 exemptions. The ban does not include, inter alia, postal activities, and also does not apply to: pastry shops, ice cream shops, liquid gas stations, flower shops, newsagents or cafes. To break the trading ban on Sunday, the risk is from PLN 1,000 to PLN 100,000. A fine of PLN, and in case of a persistent violation of the law – restriction of freedom.

From 2020, the trade ban will only apply on the seven Sundays: the last Sunday in January, April, June and August, as well as on the two consecutive Sundays before Christmas and the Sunday before Easter.

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