Toyota moves its headquarters in Central Europe from Budapest to Warsaw

The Polish, Hungarian, Czech and Slovak markets will be subject to the new headquarters in Warsaw. The current head of Toyota Motor’s Poland subsidiary, Jacek Pawlak, who has held both positions since 2016, will remain Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Toyota Central Europe was incorporated on January 1, 2015 and operates in Budapest, Hungary until March 31, 2022. During this period, the branch managed Toyota and Lexus activities in Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, while Toyota Motor Poland was responsible for the activities of the two brands in Poland. As of April 1, 2022, Toyota Motor Poland, headquartered in Warsaw, adopts the name Toyota Central Europe. On the other hand, the former Toyota Central Europe, which was headquartered in Budapest, was called Toyota Central Europe – Hungary.

According to Toyota, the merger of representative offices in Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary is aimed at improving the effectiveness of the Toyota and Lexus brands in the Central European markets. The changes do not affect the current operation of the network of licensed showrooms and service points of both brands in Poland.

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