The orangutan made medicine for himself.  Scientists have no doubt

In 2022, scientists noticed it living in the wild for the first time An orangutan who prepared medicine for himself. As the BBC noted, the animal was likely injured during a fight with another male.

The affected animal began by chewing the stem and leaves of the acar kuning plant (Fibraurea tinctoria) and then rubbed the plant’s juice into the wound several times. The orangutan also prepared a thicker paste and applied it to the affected area.

– Scientists have reported that the paste and juice work effectively. They added that the wound has healed, and the animal’s condition does not indicate that it has any infection. Scientists confirm this This particular plant is not included in the orangutan’s diet, Which allowed them to conclude that the animal was acting intentionally.

The rest of the article is below the video

Scientists emphasized this More observations may be revealed Even more “human behavior” among orangutans.

Humans have repeatedly debunked the myth that only humans possess certain skills. Jane Goodall’s observations of chimpanzees proved this Man is not the only animal that makes and uses tools. -I noticed Graybeard picking blades of grass and using them to pull termites out of their nest. The researcher reported that sometimes he would cut a twig with leaves and remove them.

Over time, I was also able to prove that chimpanzees can think and solve problems. Over time, I realized this It is also accompanied by feelings that are characteristic of humans, We are talking about love, hate, boredom, curiosity or sadness.

Researcher’s word The example is also confirmed Indonesian orangutan.

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