The first superconductor known to science.  It was not created by man

What is a superconductor anyway? The simplest way to explain this concept is to say that it is a material that can withstand the condition of zero resistance. In such circumstances, energy is transferred without any losses, which is a very attractive vision, for example in the context of laying electricity transmission lines.

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We can read about the latest advances in superconductor research in the publication published in: Communications materials. As the authors argue, the material they identified exhibits superconductivity at low temperatures, without the actions of many other similar materials. This makes it particularly unique.

The mineral that has attracted a lot of attention is called miyasite. Not only does it occur in nature, but it can also be manufactured in laboratory conditions. Such possibilities make us an interesting candidate for a hardware component used in everyday life. Ames National Laboratory representatives stand behind these remarkable results, adding that we are dealing with the first unconventional superconductor with properties similar to high-temperature superconductors.

Superconductors are materials that enter a state of zero resistance, allowing energy to be transferred without any losses

To find out the potential of this mineral, members of the research team conducted three separate tests. Perhaps the biggest problem with superconductors used to date is the extremely low temperatures at which they reach this desired state. We are talking about values ​​​​close to absolute zero, that is, the lowest temperature in the universe.

This makes obtaining and maintaining superconductivity not only difficult, but also very expensive. So engineers are looking for alternatives, and the most desirable is a material that becomes a superconductor at room temperature. Demand is high because superconductors are already used, among other things, in magnetic resonance devices and particle accelerators. Myacite can be particularly useful in its synthesized form obtained in the laboratory.

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Why are superconductors found in nature rarely identified? Most elements and compounds that exhibit such properties are metals that react easily with elements such as oxygen. Miaset does not fit into this relationship, which is why it automatically becomes attractive to scientists studying superconductivity. Although the metal tested also needs very low temperatures to become a superconductor, elucidating the mechanisms that determine the formation of such unconventional superconductors will be key to their profitable use. This last aspect will be crucial if we want the described phenomenon to appear in our daily lives forever.

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