The end of the little bunnies!

Mothers, fathers, parents 1 and parents 2, don't wrap your children in bubble wrap when they leave the house!

After 20 years of researching the effects of hide-and-seek on children's psychological and physiological development, the Canadian Academy of Pediatrics has now released new guidelines for games your cherubs can play!

Small children are now allowed to climb trees!

To fight!

Hide behind the bushes!

Ride your bike fast!

And playing Mountain King in winter!

Yes, I know: these are dangerous games! Rude! Bold, jaw-dropping and violent!

But, according to experts who have looked at the problem through microscopes, these dangerous and very dangerous activities are useful for young people!

Goodbye Vox!

After 20 years of raising little bunnies in sanitized basements, parents can — finally! – Get their kids out of their cozy blankets to face real life!

Let's say it's dangerous!

Risk of injury! To fall off their bike! For scraping your knees! To fall down a snow mountain! Lose the battle!

Message to employers in Quebec: Be patient, in 20 years, you'll be able to criticize your young workers without curling up in a corner and rolling their eyes!

Thanks to these new guidelines from Canadian pediatricians, they finally have a tough skin, a shell!

They can accept criticism!

No more will they crumble at the slightest reproach or side-eye!

Alleluia! Thanks for the favors John XXIII received!

Only those who wake up after reading this (bad) news should turn away…

Because it marks the end of their movement!

If the youngsters start out rough, there's no need to remove Tintin and Lucky Luke from the library shelves to protect them!

They can read Asterix without screaming!

They might even – who knows? – Grow up… a sense of humor! Understand the Second Degree!

Start sipping!

Do you imagine?

There is no need to provide ambulances before Guy Nandal's performance rooms to care for the highly sensitive little bunnies!

“Mary Claire? Quick, get a stretcher ready, there's a young lady sick because she heard a joke about drag queens!”

Have you seen Richard?

I feel old, but… you know what my friends and I used to do when we were little?

We made soap boxes.

Small wooden carts with bicycle wheels.

Sit on it and slide down the slopes at lightning speed.

We made a crossbow with a wooden board, a clothes pin and an elastic band.

On Saturday morning, we would get on our bikes with banana seats and brando grips and ride to camp until dinnertime. No cell phone.

When my mother wanted to know where I was, she sent for Madame Tremblay. who called Madame Villeneuve. who invited Madame Gelinas. Who said to him: “Ah, he's down the gallery with the little neighbor playing with the doctor! »

It was a good time.

We laughed at each other and ate mud.

We spent three hours in the igloo while singing to the words of Beau Domage Pierre Huet.

There were two or three of us at Guy Rondoux's place.

Mistrust reigns

We've lost count of the number of coaches accused of assaulting young athletes. Conclusion: We become paranoid.

Does this coach who hugs my son to console him for his poor performance have bad intentions or does he care?

In schools, teachers who have nothing to reproach themselves for refuse to accept students into their offices for fear of being falsely accused of misbehavior or ridiculed by their colleagues.

Conclusion: Young people are less likely to trust authority figures.



Should we allow a corporation to help fight pollution… threaten biodiversity?

This is the question that arises with Northvolt.

On the one hand, this electric battery component factory will allow us to reduce our CO2 emissions. On the other hand, its construction will destroy wetlands.

So what do we do? Between two evils, do we choose the lesser?

At QUB, former environment minister Daniel Breton told me that, in his view, the government was wrong to allow Northwold to avoid the BAPE process.

Because it only feeds people's cynicism.

Being green in 2024 isn't easy…

The worst

In America, left-wing activists won't vote for Biden over Trump.

In Canada, left-wing activists won't vote for Trudeau, and won't vote against Poilivre.

More and more, people are voting “strategically.”

Do you remember the days when we voted for the best candidate?

To summarize Aznavour, I'm talking to you about a time that people in their 20s (if not 40 or 50) don't know…

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